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5 years later

"T, where's the box with the bathroom stuff?"

Today marks the day that Bucky Barnes and Prince T'Challa move in together. They found a nice house in the city, and Tony had offered to pay for half, as an engagement gift.

Yes, T'Challa was planning to propose. The prince was going to pop the question tonight, right after dinner with their friends. He wanted to wait until they were at least living here a month, but he just couldn't. Now, they are currently arranging a few last things in the house, and their friends were expected in about 15 minutes. Steve shipped out to the army a month after graduation and came back two years ago. Wanda and Nat went to a design school together, and Sam was still with Wanda. He's planning on proposing later, and he definitely wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

As promised, he visited Wakanda a few times with Bucky. His father loved Bucky, and King T'Chaka even had a house for them there whenever they visited. T'Challa was overjoyed seeing just how well his boyfriend got along with his father.

"It's in the dining room, under the window," T'Challa replied. Bucky went over to it, and they continued putting everything away. All the furniture and stuff was already in the house, thanks to Tony, and before they knew it the house was finally done.

"I still can't believe we're living together," Bucky said plopping down on the couch. T'Challa wrapped his arm around him, and rested his head on his shoulder. "Me either, I never imagined 6 years ago I would be living in New York City, with the most gorgous man ever,"

The brunette grinned, and pulled his boyfriend into a loving kiss. Then, the doorbell rang.

Bucky went to open the door, and grinned seeing all his friends. "Buckaroo!"

Natasha pulled her brother in the tightest hug, and he laughed hugging her back. Everyone else said their 'hello's' and T'Challa led them to the dining room.

"Nice place," Clint said admiring the house.

"Thanks, I paid for it," Tony said with a smirk and Bucky laughed.

After dinner, it was time. T'Challa rose from his seat, and Natasha was the first one to notice him, and held back a huge grin knowing what was about to happen.

"I'd like to make an announcement,"

Clint then opened his mouth to speak. "Bucky's pregnant? I'm going to be an uncle!"

They all laughed, but then he gestured for his friend to continue.

"Anyway, I uh I've been meaning to do this for a while now and I thought the perfect time is when I'm surrounded by friends. Bucky, I love you and I never pictured myself ever finding the perfect person, my soulmate, and I'm really happy to call you mine. But, I want to change something, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and-

T'Challa got down on one knee, and everyone gasped while Bucky just sat in his seat shocked with his hand covering his mouth.

"Will you marry me Bucky?"

Bucky's eyes started to water, and he nodded his head frantically and choked out a 'yes'. T'Challa grinned, and slipped the silver band on Bucky's metal finger. The brunette got up and kissed his now fiancé, still in shock, with tears running down his face.

"Does this mean I'm royalty now?" Bucky asked jokingly and T'Challa chuckled and nodded.

"Bucky, you'll always be royalty to me," the prince replied and Natasha admired the ring on her brother's finger while everyone congratulated them.

"I love you," Bucky whispered to his fiancé while they were brushing their teeth in the bathroom.

"I love you too, Prince Bucky,"

The brunette giggled, and when they went to sleep they held onto each other not wanting to let go, with the lights of New York illuminating the walls. Neither of them ever dreamed of this moment, but it was obviously meant to be. Bucky was meant to meet T'Challa, to get to know the real him and not the prince of Wakanda. And as for T'Challa, his father sent him to New York 7 years ago to change, and he did, but he changed for the better. He had Bucky Barnes to thank for that, and he can't wait to keep thanking him for the rest of his life.

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