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Graduation Day

"I GOT AN A!" Bucky exclaimed jumping on T'Challa's bed. The two were at Jamal's place, who just recently moved in with Maria Hill, and were getting ready for their graduation. Bucky had just heard from Ms. Hill that he had passed, so now he can graduate.

"That's amazing babe, I'm proud of you," T'Challa replied and grabbed Bucky by the waist pulling him down and kissing him. The brunette hummed against his lips, and placed both legs on either side of T'Challa's waist and the prince ran his hand through Bucky's hair. They have become more intimate lately, since they haven't seen each other in a while, but not to the point of sex. T'Challa respected Bucky's decision to wait, seeing as they are too young, and wouldn't want to pressure him.


The two pulled away quickly and saw Clint and Sam at the doorway. Sam was just smirking, and the other was just scarred walking in on his friends making out.

"Clint! Don't you knock?" Bucky whined removing himself from T'Challa. The prince was laughing, and saw they had their caps and gowns on.

"Is it time to go?"

Sam nodded and T'Challa grabbed his cap and gown, seeing Bucky putting his on and smiled at how cute he looked with the cap on.

"Ready?" he asked and the brunette grinned and took his boyfriends hand in his.


Tony was downstairs with Steve, making out on Jamal's couch. "Guys! C'mon, is everyone horny today?" Clint asked annoyed and Bucky laughed seeing Steve red as a tomato, and Tony was just shrugging, unbothered that they had an audience.

"Shut up Barton, or I'll tell Bucky what I saw yesterday," Tony sassed and Clint went red, and Bucky looked about ready to kill him.

"Can we just graduate without fighting?" Sam asked pouting, and everyone agreed and went outside and saw Natasha and Wanda.

"It's about time, and I thought girls took longer getting ready," she said and Wanda laughed and Sam wrapped his arm around her. After prom they became a couple and were actually King and Queen, T'Challa was sad he missed that.

Graduation was being held outside on the field, and everyone had to line up by last name. T'Challa didn't have a last name, so he just stood behind Bucky. He almost didn't have enough credits to graduate with them, but Ms. Hill had been emailing him assignments so he caught up in time. He spotted her and Jamal in the crowd, and he smiled seeing he had found someone here just like he had.

The prince was nervous, not just for being made an official adult, but for what he's about to do.


"James- I mean Bucky Barnes," Principal Ross announced, remembering how much Bucky despises his birth name.

T'Challa cheered louder than anyone, and Bucky blushed seeing his boyfriend in the crowd standing and clapping for him. His mom was also clapping, but not as loud as T'Challa, with Howard next to her.

"Now I would like to invite Prince T'Challa to come up and say a few words,"

Bucky looked to him in confusion, and before he could say anything T'Challa was already at the podium.

"Congratulations class of 2016. During my stay here in New York, I've learned a few things. One, you have to be yourself in order to move on in life, and not to take anything for granted. I was only sent here to change my attitude, my father was not pleased with how I was acting and I thank him for that. If I didn't obey, I wouldn't have known the meaning of life, I wouldn't have real friends, and I wouldn't have met the love of my life,"

Bucky was blushing in his seat, and saw his friends grinning at him from the row next to him. Clint was crying a bit, he's so emotional.

"Yes, the Prince of Wakanda found love in Brooklyn, New York. I didn't know I would meet someone as special as Bucky Barnes. I'm not exactly the type to show my emotions either, but he taught me that being myself is okay. If anything, Brooklyn didn't change me, he did. I was stuck and he led the way, and I'm forever grateful to him. Bucky, I love you, and I hope you feel the same way or else this speech was just a waste of time. Uh, thank you,"

When T'Challa stopped talking, everyone cheered as he walked to where Bucky was sitting, and the brunette stood up slowly and pulled his boyfriend in a hug.

"I love you too," he whispered and T'Challa grinned and kissed him right in the middle of the field, not caring that the whole student body was watching. He loved Bucky, and he wanted everyone to know.

After the ceremony ended, Howard treated everyone to dinner at an Italian restaurant. Bucky and T'Challa were attached to the hip, more than usual, the entire time whispering 'I love you's' the whole time not even caring that they were being completely lovey dovey. Clint let it slide, just for today.

T'Challa never thought he would ever be in this position, surrounded by people he loved, and his true love. His father sent him here to change, and that's exactly what he did. He changed, but only became more of himself that he was hiding back home, and Bucky Barnes was the main reason. Bucky was also thankful for meeting T'Challa, he was lonely before, without a reason to get up in the morning except to eat and bother his sister, but that all changed as soon as they met. T'Challa being a prince was still a bit strange to Bucky, but he would love him whether he had riches or not. Money can't buy happiness.

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