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The day was finally over, and T'Challa noticed Bucky and Steve by the entrance and went over to him.

"Oh hey T'Challa, we were just talking about you," Steve said and Bucky blushed and looked away.

T'Challa didn't think anything of it and smiled. "Yeah?"

"We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. The guys are coming over to my place for game night, it's gonna be fuuuun. Free food, couple beers..." Steve said.

"Sounds fun, I'll be there," T'Challa said and Steve nodded and handed him his address.

"Bucky!" a feminine voice yelled and Bucky turned around and saw Natasha walking over to them.

"Nat, quite yelling. I keep telling you to use your inside voice,"

"Shut up! I'm just letting you know I'm going over to Wanda's tonight," she said and saw a face she didn't recognize.

"Oh that's T'Challa. The new guy," Bucky told her and she smiled.

"Hi, I'm Natasha. Bucky's sister,"

T'Challa returned the smile and nodded towards her. "Pleasure,"

She giggled and saw Wanda waving at her. "Well, I'll see you later,"

When she left, Bucky noticed T'Challa checking her out.

"Hey! Eyes up front!" he said and T'Challa held his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry, habit,"

"Plus, Clint already has dibs," Steve said and Bucky punched his arm.

"Watch it punk,"

T'Challa noticed Jamal waiting by a car, and he said bye to his friends and went over to him.

"Good day?"

T'Challa turned around seeing Bucky laughing at something Steve said and smiled.

"Yeah, it was alright,"


"Steve, you almost outed me back there," Bucky said while sitting on Steve's leather couch.

"What? I didn't. And it's not my fault you can't keep your eyes off of T'Challa for more than 5 minutes,"

Bucky sighed running his metal hand through his hair. He didn't know what was so interesting about T'Challa that made him weak at the knees, he blamed the accent.

"Whatever, just behave tonight ok?"

"Yes master," Steve said sarcastically before placing a few beers on the coffee table. Tony was coming in about 5 minutes, and he knew he needed to have the alcohol out for his arrival. Bucky had changed, trying to look decent enough, for himself of course. Not for anyone who had a heavenly accent, and gorgeous smile. No way.

"Hello! Party's here!" Tony yelled walking into the living room with T'Challa in tow. He had changed into an even tighter shirt, and Bucky was sure he was doing this on purpose. Steve chuckled and sent his friend a playful smile. Tony sat next to Bucky, and T'Challa took a seat on the recliner.

"Nice place," T'Challa said. Even though deep down he knew it wasn't, he had to pretend.

"Thanks. So I already hooked up the X-Box. Clint and Sam should be on their way," Steve said and T'Challa perked up hearing 'X-Box' and grinned grabbing a controller. He had one back home, and he was already feeling comfortable.

The rest of the boys finally arrived, and they all played a few games and ate the pizza Steve had ordered. They ran out of beer before anyone could get drunk, thanks to Steve being such a dad, and it was already midnight. Luckily it was only Friday.

"Well, I better go. My uh...father is expecting me," T'Challa said getting up.

"I'll walk you out," Bucky said already knowing Tony was going to stay over. Clint left an hour ago since he has archery class in the morning.

T'Challa nodded and said bye to everyone else and Bucky lead him out.

"That was fun. I don't usually get invited to people's houses, I'm usually the one hosting," the Wakandan said.

"Yeah? I'm sure you had lots of friends back home,"

"Well, they only liked me because I was...popular," T'Challa said before slipping up.

"That sucks. I've had that happen to me a few times, but it was only because they thought my sister was hot," Bucky said and T'Challa laughed.

"I assure you that's not my intention Barnes,"

Bucky grinned and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I'll uh...see you later then. And welcome to Brooklyn, I'm sure it's hard adjusting to this place,"

T'Challa nodded in agreement and looked in Bucky's steel blue eyes. He didn't notice them before, and he thought they were the prettiest color he's ever seen. More beautiful than the rivers at the waterfall in Wakanda.

"Well, things don't seem too bad at the moment," he whispered and Bucky blushed and bit his lip.

T'Challa saw Jamal's car pull up, and he winked at the brunette before getting in the front seat.

"Have fun?" Jamal asked in an amused tone. He's never seen T'Challa like this before.

"Yeah," the prince replied dazed. He saw Bucky wave before walking back inside.

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