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I see some of ya'll read this so maybe comment one word to describe this story just so i know if its good or not. thanks -A


T'Challa was feeling weird. Since the party at Steve's place, a certain blue eyed brunette was on his mind. He never felt this way about any girl, with his reputation of being a womanizer, the prince never thought he would every find a guy attractive. That is, until James Buchanan Barnes stepped into his life. The guy was no doubt drop dead gorgeous, with the way his hair falls down his face, his nose crinkling when he laughs, and the way T'Challa goes weak in the knees when he watches him walk.

He's been thinking about these things for about a month. And in that whole month, Bucky was feeling the same way. He didn't know if T'Challa was even gay, but that didn't stop him from feeling the way he did. The Wakandan had taken over his life, and he wasn't complaining. Even Natasha had noticed her brother's change in attitude. He wasn't late to class anymore, and was even showering more.

"Bucky, where's my scarf?" Natasha asked and saw Bucky already had it in his hand.

"Oh,'ve been acting weird lately," she said and the brunette blushed.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, you no longer smell like a foot most of the time. Mom doesn't yell at you to take out the trash as much, and Clint hasn't bothered me," she said and Bucky shook his head.

"Oh sis, I'm just fine! It's a beautiful day out, quite being such a spy and get your coat on," he said and Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Fine, don't tell me. But when you and T'Challa get married make sure you don't forget to make me a bridesmaid," she said and Bucky choked on his coffee and watched as his sister left with a smirk.

He huffed and closed the door behind him. Natasha was right though. T'Challa has made a huge impact on his life, and he was always teased by his friends about his growing crush on the no-longer-new guy. Steve was the most annoying, always winking at Bucky at lunch whenever the blonde caught T'Challa staring at Bucky. The guy made it so obvious, but Bucky was oblivious about the whole thing. Just like Steve being oblivious about Tony's crush on him. They were both idiots at this point.

Tony had told T'Challa about his crush on Steve, and the Wakandan had given the short brunette some advice but none of it seemed to work. So, both boys had planned to ask their crushes to the prom. It was silly, but who could say no to a promposal?

"Hey T, I'll make you a deal. If I ask Steve to prom today, you have to ask Bucky by the end of the week. I'm giving you two days to get your shit together, what do you say?"

T'Challa was mentally freaking out, he's never asked a guy out before. But, Tony was being supportive and he shook his hand agreeing to the plan.

"Fine, but you better ask Steve at lunch or I'm out," T'Challa said and Tony nodded and soon they met their friends at the lockers.

T'Challa always made notes on Bucky's wardrobe, for some weird reason. He always noticed the brunette always wore tight shirts, with the left sleeve ripped off for his metal arm. Oh how T'Challa loved that arm, it was definitely a turn on for him. And the jeans he wore always complimented his figure, and at this point T'Challa would have to stop himself from thinking of the things he would do if the jeans were off.

"Hey guys, I was just telling Clint that Ms. Hill isn't here today. She's sick and we have free period, so I was going to go back home and sleep more, but you guys do whatever," Sam said and Bucky grinned seeing T'Challa. The prince loved that look on him.

"Ok, well I guess it's just me and you," T'Challa whispered, his breath on Bucky's neck and the brunette shivered at the contact.

"W-Where do you want to go?" Bucky asked and T'Challa suggested the library, since he had to finish an assignment anyway.

They walked down the hall, and it was very quiet. Everyone was already in class, and Bucky stuck his tongue out seeing Steve and Tony in their science class. T'Challa laughed at his actions and did the same. He loved he could be himself around Bucky, and he was becoming a whole new person.


Maybe he couldn't wait for the end of the week.

The library was filled with a few kids, and T'Challa found a spot in the back where the beanbags were. Bucky sat in the blue one, and laughed seeing T'Challa fail at trying to sit on the red one.

"Not funny Barnes, we don't have these things in Wakanda. Reminds me of quick sand," he said and Bucky chuckled.

"So, anything else here that you find interesting?" Bucky asked.

"You," T'Challa thought.

"Music. I'm very fond of Rihanna at the moment. I also like that band Stark listens to, AC/DC. And the shows here are weird, why are there so many housewives?"

Bucky laughed. "I don't know, but I'm glad you're liking it here,"

T'Challa grinned and took out his notes. While he worked on history, he was becoming nervous. Usually when he and Bucky hung out, it was a normal thing, but now that he has feelings for him he feels like if he does the wrong thing the brunette would never speak to him again.

"T? You ok?"

T'Challa looked up from his book, and saw Bucky looking at him concerned.

"Yeah why?"

"You keep moving around, should we sit somewhere else?"

"No, I just-

It's now or never, T'Challa had to do this.

"I just thought of another thing I like here," he said and Bucky gestured for him to continue.

"Well, at first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. In Wakanda, it's not exactly praised, but here I learned that it is. What I'm trying to say is, Bucky...I have a huge crush on you. I was never interested in guys before, but when I met you something changed. It wasn't bad or anything, I kind of like it actually. I just hope this doesn't ruin our friendship," T'Challa said and saw Bucky looking at him shocked.

"T'Challa, our friendship isn't ruined. If anything, I want to be more then friends," Bucky said blushing, and the Wakandan shot his head up from his lap.

"You like me too?"

Bucky chuckled. "I do. I mean how could I not? You're really sweet, kind, funny, easy on the eyes, and your smile is one of my favorites,"

"Well, I for one think you're extremely gorgeous, your laugh makes me smile all the time, and I never thought I'd find someone like you," T'Challa whispered and Bucky blushed even more and saw the period was almost over.

"Also, I wanted to ask if you'd go to prom with me," he asked and Bucky grinned and nodded in agreement. T'Challa sighed and the weight was finally lifted from his shoulders.

They packed up their stuff, and T'Challa took a daring move and grabbed his metal hand in his. Bucky looked at their intertwined hands and then to T'Challa who didn't seem phased.

"I don't have a problem with your metal arm if that's what you're thinking," the taller of the two said.

Bucky was definitely gone for him now.

"Thanks T,"

T'Challa smiled at him and saw a few kids in the halls, since the bell hand rung a minute ago. A few people noticed their intertwined hands, and a few girls were shocked, and the others were just passing by un-phased by the action.

"I have gym with Clint, I'll see you at lunch," Bucky said freeing his hand from T'Challa's.

"Hey, you can't get rid of me that easily," T'Challa said and quickly kissed Bucky's pink lips, catching him off guard and the brunette blushed and walked away. He couldn't resist, he's been wanting to kiss those lips since he got here.

Yup, T'Challa did not miss Wakanda at all.

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