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"Howard, where are they?" Bucky asked the man who was currently making them both tea. The brunette knew all too well that his friends wouldn't just vanish out of thin air for a day without telling him where they went. He came over this morning before school to see if Tony could help him cram for his math test but he didn't see any of his friends anywhere. Bucky was getting suspicious and Howard promised his son he wouldn't spill the beans.

"James, I don't know what you mean," Howard was trying to play it cool, but was failing miserably.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll just have to ask Maria then. Maria!"

Howards hushed him, not wanting his wife to know he let his son fly to the other side of the world, and Bucky grinned seeing he had won. "Ok ok, they may have left to-

"Dad I'm home! I'm starving do we have any- oh hey Bucky!" Tony exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face. Steve and Sam were in tow with their book bags on.

"Tony? Where have you been?" Bucky asked and Tony looked to his dad who just left the room. Some help he is.

"Oh the gang and I were all studying for our finals," he said and Bucky looked at him suspiciously and just sighed. "Whatever, I'm going home to study. By myself,"

"Damn boy, when was the last time you showered?"

Bucky didn't respond and just left Tony's house. He looked to the abandoned house next door, where T'Challa used to live and frowned. Then, he saw a light on and shook his head. He's definitely seeing things, and Bucky needs Advil from the headache he just got.

When he got home, he saw Natasha on the couch with her notes sprawled out on the coffee table. Clint was besides her sleeping, with a book covering his face.

"Hey bro, mom left some pancakes in the microwave," Nat said and Bucky nodded slowly and eyed her suspiciously. "Oh and I'm leaving in 5 minutes to get a good seat for the test," she said and her brother didn't say anything and went to his room.

Bucky must have been sleep walking the last few hours, because his friends are just magically reappearing. The only person he wants to see is T'Challa, but that would be a miracle.


The test was in 15 minutes, and Bucky was only skimming through his notes, not really taking in what he needs to remember. This is his usual study method, but when T'Challa was around they'd reward each other with kisses if the other got one right. He hated how much he missed him, and didn't know when he would get over it. The chances were slim to none.

"Mom, I'm leaving," Bucky called out and his mother appeared shaking her head.

"Go put on a clean shirt, brush your teeth, and comb your hair young man. No son of mine is leaving the house looking like that," Winifred, Bucky's mom, scolded and her son huffed and did as she said.

"Alright, now I'm leaving," Bucky said and opened the door and squinted his eyes at how bright it was. He's been a vampire since a certain prince's leaving, and wasn't used to the outside anymore.

Bucky looked to the porch swing and sighed remembering the memories of him and T'Challa swinging there for hours just talking. "I miss you T," he whispered lowly and before he could walk down the steps, a voice interrupted him.

"He missed you too,"

Bucky was hearing things again, but when he turned around he saw T'Challa, wearing the biggest smile on his face. The brunette gasped, and flung his arms around the prince hugging him tightly. "I can't b-believe you're here," he said in between sobs. T'Challa was crying as well, and held onto him not wanting to let go. "Believe it Bucky, I'm here,"

The two pulled away from their embrace, and T'Challa wiped a few tears away from Bucky's face with his thumb. "I missed you, so much babe," he said and Bucky breathed out a laugh and bit his lips. Damn, T'Challa missed seeing that. "Me too, Prince T'Challa,"

T'Challa chuckled and shook his head playfully. Bucky couldn't wait any longer and connected his lips with boyfriends. The kiss was passionate, and a bit salty with tears still being shed by the two of them. T'Challa placed his hand on Bucky's waist, pulling him closer while the brunette had his hand behind T'Challa's neck not wanting to let go. But, they pulled away for air and rested their foreheads against each other's.

"So, I heard you have a test to pass,"

Bucky looked at his watch, and saw he still had time to get there.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you came back to destress me?"

T'Challa chuckled. "Well, that was the plan. You're friends travelled all the way to Wakanda to tell me to come back,

Bucky made a mental note to thank them later. T'Challa held Bucky's hand all the way to school, and he smiled missing holding his hand. He missed everything about Bucky, even how he walks.

"Good luck, and when you finish I'll be right here. This isn't a dream," T'Challa said and Bucky laughed since he's been whispering how he was dreaming the whole way.

"Yes your highness," he replied and T'Challa grinned. He would always get annoyed when people would call him that, but he loved it when Bucky did.

He loved Bucky. And now he could tell him in person.

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