The Last Animega

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WARNING!! This is the Second book, the first one is called Animegas. Check it out if you don't want to be confused!! Or if you want to try to decide what's going on and make it hard on yourself, read away. 

The boy stood on the edge of the thick tree branch. He watched as a girl of about 18 years stomped out her fire. A bow and quiver were slung over her thick, white and grey camouflage, winter jacket. Her jeans had been torn a lot, and there are numerous patches and sloppy stitching covering the fabric. Her black combat boots were scuffed, but still sturdy. His icy blue eyes raked over her face. It was partly covered in curly, red hair. Her emerald eyes stood out against her fiery hair and the white snow that surrounded her. The girl's full red lips formed a straight line to show her determination to get out of there quickly.

There was a snap of a twig behind him and the boy and the red-haired girl stiffened. Her eyes raked over the forest, bypassing the boy completely. Quickly, she covered the ashes with snow and smoothed it to look a tad more natural. Once she was satisfied, she began to transform. Rust-red fur eloped her body. Her hands and feet shrunk to the form of paws, ears and a white-tipped tail erupted from her body. The girl began to shrink and her form began to change into that of a fox. She rolled in the snow a bit to make it look like she had slept on the mound, then she ran off into the undergrowth. 

He pursed his lips and moved a lock of dirty-blonde hair out of his eyes. "You almost blew it." He muttered. "You have to learn to be more quiet."

The boy became aware of arms wrapping around his waist. He turned to see a girl, no more than about 8 years old. Her hair was a beautiful dark-brown, almost black. Her coco-brown, doe eyes were lined with thick, long lashes. She wore a cloak over a dress and black leggings. The dress was made of a thick, navy-blue fabric. It was tipped with black and went down to the middle of her shins. On her feet she wore black dress-shoes. Not a very appropriate attire for winter. 

"But that's no fun!" She whined. "Keep your voice down, don't move you'll make a noise, tiptoe quietly over here" She mimicked the boy's voice with her own high-pitched tone. "I'm bored of it!"

"Ya, well it's necessary, Natalie. We can't let her know that we're watching her." He pointed out.

The girl pulled away from her embrace and crossed her arms. "Why can't we just kill her? You're going to do it eventually, why not now?" She complained.

The boy clicked his tongue and moved his pointer finger back and forth. "Natalie, Natalie, you know that's not how my games work. It's no fun if we just kill her."

Natalie sighed. "Fine! But I don't know why you are so interested in her. She's just a girl, a stupid Animega."

The boy's eyes narrowed. His jaw locked, sometimes Natalie could be a real pain. Especially with all her whining and questions. Often he had to remind himself that she was just a little girl. "She killed the other Guardians with a single arrow. She resisted Damean even after all of the threats and temptations. Of course I'm interested."

Natalie sighed and raked her eyes over his face. "Alright, fine," she said, "when do we make our move, Aiden?"

Aiden turned towards the direction that the girl had ran. A cold breeze pierced through his grey hoodie. He pulled up the hood, covering his face in shadow. "Soon, Natalie. All she has to do is make it to the town. Then the fun will begin." An evil smile curved his lips. 'You escaped the other Guardians, Samantha. But you cannot escape me.' He jumped from branch-to-branch with super-human speed and agility, following the girl. 

"Hey!" Natalie called, her voice quickly fading. "Wait for me, Aiden!" He barely heard that last bit. Aiden was too excited. 

'Let the games begin.' He thought. 


Aridis: Sorry for making you wait so long for this really freaking short Prologue!

Sam: Um...why are you making Aiden stalk me? And what is this game stuff about?

Aiden: It is not stalking, it is secret following. 

Sam: Whatever, it's still creepy. 

Natalie: Why are you guys forgetting about me? 

Aridis: All of you, shut it!! Can I please get on with the Author's note? 

Natalie: *sticks tongue out* 

Aridis: Okay, so I included a pic of Aiden if it shows up. (by some miracle) Till next week my Landsharks and Panafish!!

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