Midnight Meeting.

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Aiden glanced over to where everyone was sleeping. Satisfied that no one was awake, he let out a quiet yet shrill whistle. Something dropped behind him and he turned around. A girl of about 8 years old stood in front of him. Her thick dark-brown hair was tied back into a long braid. Thick lashes lined her brown doe eyes. The girl wore a white jacket with silver trimming and grey leggings. Her pale feet were bare, but she didn't seem to mind the numbing snow.

"Hey, Natalie." Aiden greeted. His icy blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark.

"Hi, Richard." She snickered.

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that." He grumbled.

Natalie smiled wildly. "Then you shouldn't have picked a name as lame as Richard."

His eye twitched. "Our plan is going to be harder to complete than expected. Alexandra is here as well."

Natalie peeked over his shoulder. "I don't see her. The only red-head I see is the girl you were following."

Aiden gritted his teeth. "They share a body. But I suspect that Samantha is in control." His eyes flickered nervously at her sleeping body. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her shift a bit in her sleep.

Natalie cocked her head to the side. "So, what's the plan this time?"

"Same plan. But we'll have to be more careful." he whispered.

"More careful of what?" A gruff voice asked. Aiden jumped and turned to see Dillon standing on the edge of the clearing. The soft shing of the sword coming out of it's sheath rang out in the air. The black blade stood out against the white snow that lay on the ground. The silver moon reflected off of the polished metal. Dillon held the weapon lazily at his side.

Aiden smirked. "Its nothing of you concern, Dillon Xavier Tyler." He said the name with such hate that poison dripped from the words.

Dillon stiffened. "If it brings a danger to this group, then it is my concern."

Aiden chuckled softly. "Why don't you take your sister and leave? I know how good you are at running away." Natalie snickered and hugged Aiden's arm playfully; her long lashes batted innocently.

"How much do you know?" Dillon demanded, he brought his sword in front of him. His teeth grinded together angrily.

Aiden shrugged off Natalie and gracefully glided over to Dillon. "I know everything, Dilly. I know how your father came home drunk every night. How he used to beat you and your mother. Then when sweet, innocent Serena came into the picture, you wanted to do nothing more than protect her. Your mother became a drug addict, she tried to dull the pain. Your father paid more attention to you then anyone else. He would beat you until you were barely alive. Then he tried to harm your precious sister, and you went off. You sent a dagger through his stomach, shredding it into ribbons.

"Your mother tried to stop you. And you killed her as well." Aiden tugged at a lock of Dillon's black hair. "And you didn't stop there. You killed everyone within a mile radius with said dagger. Not because they did something to you. But because you enjoyed the sight of their blood. And you would have killed Serena too, if you hadn't regained control." Dillon relaxed his grip, the tip of the blade touched the powdery snow. The hard look in his eyes was replaced with sorrow and regret.

"That was in the past." Dillon muttered.

Aiden smiled wickedly. "No, I don't believe it is. You had recently joined the Troops. And why did you leave?" He paused mockingly. "Ah, yes. Because of the blood you had spilled. You lost control again and murdered an entire village. And didn't even manage to kill the Animega that had gotten away. And this was a month ago, wasn't it?"

Dillon's breath came out in jerky puffs. The cold air allowed Aiden to see every breath he took. "What do you want from me?" He asked. The man's eyes closed, trying to keep the anger inside. He couldn't lose control again, not with his sister so near.

"Nothing, at the moment." Aiden sneered. Dillon's eyes snapped open and he saw that the little girl was no longer at Aiden's side. His eyes automatically flew over to where his sister was sleeping. Natalie hunched over her, the polished metal of a dagger lay in her hand.

Dillon lunged forward. "No!" he gasped. His arms wrapped around Natalie, yanking her away from Serena. Natalie cried out in surprise. Everyone froze as Sam slowly sat up. Her eyes were wide open and alert. Spying the small group she crawled out of her sleeping back.

"What is going on?" She spat. Aiden noticed how disheviled her hair was, and he smiled slightly. Her eyes raked over Natalie's face.

"I-I'm sorry." Natalie whispered. Her tone oozed innocence. "I was looking for my daddy. And I haven't eaten in days. So when I saw you guys I thought... I just wanted some food." The little girl cringed away, as if she expected to be hit. Sam sighed and walked a little ways away to where they had hung the remainder of their food. Aiden noticed how fatigued she looked. Sam handed the girl some meat.

"Dillon." She sighed. "Let her go. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm." Aiden smirked at the reluctance in his eyes.

"But-" He protested.

"Now!" She ordered. Amber and Serena both woke up. Both had tired expressions and their eyes were glazed from sleep. Dillon released Natalie and she ran back into the forest. But not before exchanging a knowing glance at Aiden.

Amber rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly. "Wha- what's going on?" She asked.

Serena looked up at her brother, her eyes wide with fear. "D-Dillon?" she stammered. He wrapped his arms around the girl, comforting her.

Sam sighed and yawned herself. "It's alright guys. Just a lost girl who wandered in here looking for food. Go back to sleep." She crawled back into her sleeping bag and dozed off almost instantly. Amber and Serena were out too. Dillon shot a murderous glance at Aiden before moving closer to Serena.

Aiden smirked. Oh what fun tomorrow will bring.


Natalie: There is a picture of me!

Aridis: Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have added it....

Natalie: YOU MEANIE!

Aiden: *rolls eyes* And why is she the one helping me?

Natalie: Because of my power?

Aiden: Right...

Aridis: Anywhooooo. Don't forget to Vote and Comment! Till next week my Landsharks and Pandafish!

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