No Secret Passage

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I stood up, not being able to just sit around while Calypso was out doing who-knows-what at the moment. The image of Damean's mauled face popped up in my head. The light purple shade in Thomas' eyes when he had gone berserk flashed across my vision. I had been in a situation just like this about a year ago. Only this time, I was the one trapped, and my former friends were dead. Taking a silly idea out of that memory, I started running my fingers along the walls, checking for a secret button or something along those lines.

A few small cracks, some chips and scratches, but no button. No loose rock, and no outline of a hidden door. It was a stupid idea to begin with. But it kept me somewhat sane. What new friend would I pick up this time? What kind of hell would this event lead to? What twist ending would be awaiting me this time? This entire world was messed up, my past repeating itself in the stupidest of ways. But that's how it works. There are only so many things that can happen to one person before time circles into a loop.

"Sam, you okay?" Dillon asked. His charcoal eyes were full of worry. They were trying to figure me out, trying to piece together what was happening to me. Funny, I wonder what would happen if he actually knew. He would probably run, dragging his sister behind him. He wouldn't want the past to hit him, and drag him down into the graveyard with my family. Shaking my head of these thoughts, I smiled slightly.

"Nothing, just remembered something. But it isn't going to help us, so don't worry about it." He nodded, not daring to probe any further. Serena carefully pushed her older sibling away and walked up to me.

A portion of her onyx bangs covered her right eye. Large brown eyes looked into mine, telling me that they knew. The last time someone looked at me like that, they ended up betraying me. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of Aiden. What was that sick freak planning right now? Him and his supernatural sidekick were bad news. What was her name? Natalie. "Stop acting strong." She whispered, just barely loud enough for me to hear. "It's going to get you killed." The words were a bit harsh, but her soft voice evened it out a bit. How old was this girl? Thirteen, fourteen years old? And she was already dishing out words of advice. She reminded me way too much of Katie. It made my heart throb. Were my friends' powers still inside me? Or did their spirits move on already? Every since that day, I've only been able to command the forest. No ice, no fire, no wind, no anything except for a few trees and flowers.

Something that sounded like bags of flour dropping on the ground brought me out of my trance. Looking down the hall, I could see the legs of a fallen guard be dragged out of view. His friend, who had just noticed his companion was gone, went to investigate. As he came to a corner, something latched onto his shirt and dragged him into the shadows. Another thump. Familiar long brown hair came into view, silken cat ears sat on her head.

"'Sup?" Calypso asked. Her arms were full of weapons and our jackets. A few of my arrows were falling out of the quiver, Dillon's jacket was dragging on the floor. Dropping the supplies onto the ground, the former Guardian pulled out a key.

Dillon smirked. "Glad you could make it." Calypso quickly unlocked the cell and tossed us our supplies. The only weapon she returned carefully was Dillon's sword; I bet you could guess why.

The Guardian smiled and held up a pair of gloves. "I raided their weapons locker. Check out what they've been hiding." The gloves were fingerless and made of thick leather. Long black polished blades protruded from the knuckles, like tiger claws. It was the same kind of weapon that she fought with before she "died". No, not the same kind, it was the exact same. That, or the Troops had somehow gotten their hands on Demon's blood.

The blood left my cheeks. "Where did you find those again?" Something was wrong here. Those weapons should have been disintegrated with everything else. With everyone else.

"Sam, I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I hid the rest." She replied, all the excitement from before had disappeared.

I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat. "Can I have my old bow back?" The words came out cracked and broken.

"Old bow? What are you two going on about?" Dillon pressed. Looking over to him and his sister, I was able to see the confusion in his eyes, and the knowledge in hers. I would have to be careful of this girl. She knew a lot more than she probably told her older brother.

"A small road trip to the past, wanna tag along?" Calypso hinted.

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