Flo De Imortalis

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A faint voice broke the murky blackness of sleep. First it was barely a whisper, then slowly it became louder as the darkness began to grow lighter. "Sam, Sam! Wake up! Sam!" I shot upright. My skull exploded with pain as it crashed against someone else's. Amber fell back, clutching her skull. She swore loudly.

"God your head is hard!" A small cut sat below her eye. It didn't look to be infected, but it was still pretty red. Everything that had happened before I blacked out flooded my already throbbing head.

Looking around, I realized that we were in the middle of a courtyard. Plants and wildlife had already begun to retake the area, but it still looked about the same. Dark stains littered the concrete around us. The remain of a broken arrow sat just a few feet from me. The familiar concrete buildings surrounded us. And for some reason, not even a snowflake covered the area. It was like some kind of magical force field. Just outside of the fence was about 3 feet of snow.

Serena hid behind Dillon, holding the back of his jacket in an iron grip. "W-where are we?" She whispered.

Standing up, surveyed the area. Slowly, I made my way over to a very large stain. A blobbed impression of what looked to be the top half of a human body sat in the middle of the stain. If only for a moment, I saw myself lying in that stain.

My eyes were glassy, long curly red hair spread out in all directions. I saw my friends huddled around me, their fingers dyed with faint purple Salus berry paste and black blood. That small smile that was plastered on my lips. Rage and sadness washed over every inch of me.

"Sam, calm down." Alex warned.

"Shut up, Alex!" I shouted. And I didn't care who heard. "Shut up and get out of my head!" A sudden pain shot through my skull. Collapsing onto the ground, I held my head, trying to will the pain away. A small whimper escaped my lips. I stayed on my knees for a minute or so longer. And as sudden as the pain came, it disappeared.

"Have you calmed down now?" She demanded.

Ignoring her I made my way to the front gates. I wanted to get out of here more than anything. Someone grabbed my arm and I spun around. Dillon stared at me with worry, a small teasing smile rested on his lips. "What's got you so worked up?" Scowling, I yanked my wrist from his grasp.

I backed up a few feet. "We're leaving. Now."

He nodded. "Alright, but why?"

My scowl deepened into a snarl. "None of your business. I said we're leaving, so we're leaving."

Amber shuffled forward with Serena in tow. Her usually cheerful expression was replaced with fear. When I directed my attention to her, her caramel eyes did their best to look anywhere but at me. "It is kind of our business." She muttered. "I mean, we were brought here too. And you obviously know what this place is so..." Amber accidentally snuck a look in my direction and her voice faded.

Crossing my arms I stared them both down, refusing to back down. Dillion and Amber returned the favor. If looks could kill, we'd all be dead. Dillion, surprisingly, was the first one to back down. He scowled a bit. "Come on Serena," he growled, "let's get out of here." Dillon turned around and had a small panic attack when he didn't see his little sister.

"Serena!" He called out. He took off at full speed, shouting her name over and over again. Letting out a loud sigh, I followed him, and Amber followed me. Carefully, making sure that I was at a good angle for no one to see, I turned only my nose into that of a fox's.

Serena's scent was a bit sweet, like sugar cookies or something . Dillon ran in a different direction than she had gone. Following my nose, I made my way through a maze of buildings until I came up to a familiar one. The vent was kicked out, though I had sworn I put it back the last time I was here. Other than the vent, only one thing was different. Quickly transforming my nose back into a human one, I slowly made my way forward.

Serena was hunched over a flower, she was stroking its delicate pedals. The flower was a bright blood red in the center, and it began to fade away to white as it neared the tips. Gold trimmed the rims of the pedals and leaves. The stem and leaves were a bright emerald green. It's soft glow did not make it seem any more real. And, surprisingly, I knew exactly what kind of flower it was.

Dillon rushed forward and scooped Serena into a hug. Though his expression didn't show it, he was relieved that she was safe. My teeth became slightly sharper as I darted forward. The stem made a soft crunch as I ripped the flower from it. My knuckles turned white as I clutched it as hard as I could. Flo de Imortalis. The name bounced off of every cell in my brain. Blood roared in my ears. This flower was to blame, it gave those stupid Guardians the power of immortality. If it had never existed, then I would have been able to live a normal life. My friends wouldn't be dead, my parents wouldn't be dead. Max wouldn't be dead.

Someone said my name, but I didn't know who. And I didn't care. All that mattered now was destroying this stupid flower. Without even saying a word, I rushed through the front gates and into the forest. I gathered as much dry wood and other things that were dry enough to burn. Throwing them down on a small snowless patch of ground, I threw the flower aside and worked on setting the pile ablaze.

Through my anger, in nicked myself with the knife several times before I got a spark. By the time the wood actually caught fire, my hands were bloodied and warm blood trickled down my hand.

Before I could throw the flower into the hungry flames, someone grabbed my wrist. Looking up, I saw the steely black coals that were Dillon's eyes.

"Enough stalling." He demanded. "What the hell is going on?" Amber and Serena stood close behind him. Scowling, I switched the flower to my other hand and threw it into the fire.

An explosion sent us all flying back a few feet. A sickly sweet aroma filled the air. I stared in disbelief as someone stepped out of the dying flames.

A girl of about 16 stepped out of the flames. Long brown hair flowed down her back, bright green eyes reflected the light of the flames. Two black cat ears twitched on top of her head. Twin onyx tails flicked back and forth. As the fire went out completely, she collapsed.


Aridis: ugh, too much work to make a A/N.

Amber: so no revenge?

Aridis: Nope.

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