The Second Massacre

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I slowed to a trot. The sky was becoming red, signaling the end of the day. I scolded myself for leaving so late. By this time, the trials might already be over. A few years ago, there was an Animega Massacre. My parents fell victim to it, leaving me and my little brother, Max, orphans. A lot happened, and I ended up losing him too. He would be 8 years old if he were still alive. For some reason, the Massacre started again. This time they burned the Animegas like they did in the Salem Witch Trials. If I didn't hurry, another Animega would fall victim.

A few months ago, I wiped out all of the Guardians. Or, so I thought. There was one left, and he had somehow gotten me out of harms's way before I was disintegrated like the Guardians. Just because he save me, doesn't mean he's a good guy. He had told me he wanted to play a game. And I have a strong feeling that the "game" was the beginning of the second Massacre.

I reached the top of a hill and looked out over the valley. There, a small town was right below me. People gathered around the center of the town. Oh no, the trials were over. And by the size of the crowd, the person was found guilty. Changing into my human form, I ran down the rest of the way. By the time I had reached the town, a steady stream of smoke began to rise.

"You have been found guilty of being an Animega!" A deep voice shouted. The crowd screamed their insults and curses. I shoved my way through to the center.

"No!" A voice squeaked, "I'm not!" The voice sounded like it belonged to a boy, around 18 years old. My age. I pushed past the last person. I was right, the guy was about 18. He had dirty-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His hoodie was torn and his jeans had a lot of holes. The kid was barefoot, even though it was winter. He was tied to a cross. Yep, exactly like the Salem Witch Trials. The boy's voice was familiar, but I didn't dwell too much on the thought.

A man with greasy brown hair and rotting teeth held a torch. The flames seemed to blend in with the sky. He dropped the torch onto the pile of wood and hay that sat at the boy's feet. I willed the wood to not catch fire. Just for a couple of seconds, they refused to burn. I shot an arrow and it sliced through the rope that held his wrist to the cross. A second arrow and the boy was free. The boy fell into the mound. Just as he leaped off, the wood caught fire. I grabbed his hand and we ran.

I could hear the angry mob behind us. I could feel the ground quake beneath our feet as the humans dashed after us. Soon, we were in the forest. This was my territory. I ran my hand along the trees and undergrowth as we sprinted through the wood. They grew at a rapid pace, and soon we lost the crowd.

"T-thanks." He panted.

I smiled and looked down at his feet. "Aren't you freezing?" I asked, motioning to his feet. He nodded and I rummage through my pack. Finding an extra pair of hiking boots, I threw them to him. Quickly, he stuck them on his bright red feet.

"How did you know that my trial was today?" He asked. His blue eyes unnerved me, they seemed to stare into my soul. They looked at me like they knew my deepest, darkest secret. The boy's face was grim, it was just the eyes that laughed at me. I shifted my glance slightly to the left, breaking the contact.

"People like to gossip. You're lucky I got this one guy drunk, or he would have never spilled the beans." I said. My glance went back to those eyes. What secret did they know of? Why such mystery?

He coughed into his hand, breaking my concentration. "So, now what?" he asked. "What's your plan now that you've saved me?"

"There's a town, not too far from here." I answered. "About a day and a half walk. It's one of the few places that aren't as strict about the trials. The perfect place for Animegas to hide."

"But...I'm not an Animega." He pointed out. I tried to hide my disappointment. Another false case, were there any Animegas left? Surely there was. But right now, I felt very alone.

"Even better." I chirped.


We walked up to the town, people were lazily milling around. Children were building snowmen and throwing snowballs at each other. A few people waved at me. I came here often, so I was well known. But almost none knew I was an Animega. I opened the door to a small inn, the boy followed close behind.

"Hello, Samantha." An old woman said. Her blonde-streaked silver hair was tied back into a tight bun. She wore a ruffled apron over a flowery dress. In her hand sat a glass cup that she had just dried. Wrinkles were starting to form around her kind blue eyes.

"Hey, Sandra." I greeted. "I have another one for you." I motioned to the boy.

She shook her head and placed the cup on a shelf. "No luck?"

I sighed and looked down. "No. I can't find an Animega anywhere. They just...disappeared." Sandra was the only person in this town that I could trust. Every time I rescued someone who had been accused of being an Animega, I brought them here. Sandra was friends with everybody in the town, so she helped the survivors find a home and a job somewhere in the village. Everybody loved Sandra.

Sandra walked over to the boy, her eyes raked over him. "Hmm, there aren't many jobs left. Many of the people who ran the businesses were Animegas, and they have either fled or been killed. What's your name?" she asked him.

He thought for a minute. "Richard. My name is Richard Evans."

She nodded. "Okay, I believe Caleb wants an apprentice. That old blacksmith is losing his touch." She turned toward me. "Samantha, would you please escort him to Caleb's? And tell him I sent you." I nodded and dragged "Richard" out of the inn.

"You'll like it here." I said. "Everybody knows everybody. Soon you'll be in the loop and the troops won't go after you. In this town, no one accuses each other unless there is solid proof." The troops were people who thought it their duty to hunt down Animegas. They went around the country, hunting down "Animegas" and killing them on the spot. The burning at the stake thing is more of the townsfolks' doing. Everyone knew that the Guardians were gone, but they didn't know it was me. They didn't even know if it was an Animega, they just thought of us as the spawns of Satan. For all they knew, the Guardians killed themselves off. That's the rumor I was trying to spread, that the Guardians fought against each other. Which is not entirely a lie. Damean and Calypso were technically Guardians, but now they're gone, just like the rest of my friends.

Tears began to well up in my eyes. No, no, I CANNOT start crying now. Why couldn't I just leave that memory alone? Just a couple of months ago, I lost everyone that I cared about in one day. I blinked back the tears. No, not now. I can cry when I'm back in the forest, alone. Richard ripped his arm from my grasp.

"I don't want to hide here. You have your reasons for wanting to get rid of me. But I will not be thought of as useless!" Richard's eyes leaked determination. And something else, something I didn't recognize. His hands were balled at his sides.

"Richard." I growled. No way I was taking him with me. Not after the last time... Even though the Guardians were destroyed, there was one left. I couldn't drag anyone else into that. It was too dangerous.

Someone screamed and I took off running towards the source. Arguing with Richard would have to wait, someone was in trouble.


Sam: whoa, whoa, whoa. You're going to end it there?

Aridis: yes, Sam. I am.

Sam: but...

Aiden: MWAHAHAHA. My plan is working!

Aridis: ....

Sam: ...what?

Aiden: you seriously haven't figured it out?

Sam: I know that Richard and you are the same person.

Aridis: Aiden, you suck at keeping a low profile.


Aridis: Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!! Till next week my Landsharks and Pandafish!!

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