This Town is on Fiiiiiire

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We were barely a half mile away from the town when Calypso made us stop. "I forgot to do something!" She whined, smacking her palm against her forehead. "Sam, can I borrow some flint or something?" Confused, I unquestioningly handed her a small block of flint. Grinning eerily at me, the girl melted into the shadows. Literally, melted. The Guardian looked like a melting popsicle as she merged with the darkness. A few minutes later, screams could be heard from the town behind us. Looking back, my eyes widened in surprise.

Bright flames licked the trees and sky as the village burned. Smoke blocked out the moon and stars. The smell of burning objects was foreign against the crisp air of winter. While we waited for Calypso to return, the three of us watched the scene in horror. The minutes ticked by, and our comrade returned. She tripped out of the shadows, falling face first in the snow. The brunette was covered in soot, and smelled like gasoline. Sitting up on her hands and knees, the Guardian started brushing the powdery white stuff from her ears and clothes.

"What the hell did you do?" Dillon demanded. Serena, as usual, was cowering behind her brother. She looked at Calypso like a little kid would a dark hallway.

Standing up, the immortal Animega tossed the block of flint back to me. I caught it with ease, and slipped it into the eternal emptiness that was my backpack. She waved away the male's question. "Calm down. I made sure that everyone was out of their homes. Or, at least I made sure that the kids were. I left some of the smaller houses alone, so the townspeople won't be without a good shelter." Calypso glanced at Dillon expectantly. "What? Did I forget to do something?"

He stormed forward and grabbed the front of her jacket, pulling the girl closer to his height. "Yeah. How about the part about not burning down an entire flipping town?"

Shrugging slightly, she didn't even look fazed. "Sorry, but I did say that I left some buildings standing. So I doubt that counts as the entire place." Yawning, Calypso covered her mouth with one hand. "Could you put me down? You're really close to touching a spot that will get you killed."

His facing burning a faint shade of pink, Dillon released his hold. Calypso fell a few inches to the ground below. Managing to not stumble or fall, the girl turned towards me. "By the way, while I was drenching the village in gasoline, I heard something very interesting. How does a circus sound to you?"
Trying to process what the other was saying to me, it took a few seconds to answer. This person had just burned a bloody town to the ground, and she didn't even seem slightly guilty.

"Terrifying." I stated. Adjusting my stance so that I was leaning more on my non injured leg, I stared at the person questioningly. What would a circus have to do with anything?

Calypso smiled eerily. "Good. Because we're going to one."


I hugged my jacket closer around me as we neared the giant, colorful tent. Just the thought of clowns made me shiver. I've only seen one of those creeps once, and I've had nightmares ever since. Was this another skeem to drag me somewhere social? Why was it that every time I got stuck in a group, these things happened? Seriously...why?

As Calypso basically dragged me into the rainbowed tent, I could hear the eerie circus music playing. People were already filling the stands, and the ring in the center was empty. For now. Sitting as close to the exit as I could, we all waited for the show to begin. There were only so many things that could go wrong inside of a tent full of clowns. Many of the options included being murdered.

I had shoved all of our weapons inside of my backpack, and kind of regretted it. If these funny horrors were actually going to kill us, then having all of our weapons basically out of reach was not a good idea. Many of the lamps went out abruptly, and there were a few screams in the crowd. My fingernails dug into the wooden bench, what was going on? Mist rolled into the tent, covering the entire arena. When it cleared again, a tall man stood in the center of the ring.

He had dark hair, and a very shady looking goatee. The stranger wore a tall black hat and a black suit with a bright purple shirt underneath. The man bowed dramatically, his oversized headwear almost touching the ground. "Welcome!" He greeted. "Welcome to our humble show! You're in for a treat, tonight! So sit back, relax...and let the show begin."

Calypso: ITS ABOUT TIME!!!
Aridis: Soooooorrryyyyyy. I might've kinda sorta forgot about updating....
Sam: *facepalm*
Dillon:'ve got to be joking.
Aridis: Whoops?
Aiden: "Whoops" my ass!! You completely forgot about us!

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