chapter one

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Our teacher stood in front of us talking in a monotone boring us even more. Our school was always very dull and lifeless. It didn't have much drama or excitement. We all just walk into the school and sit in the grey classrooms with teachers who didn't even teach most of the time.

The only sound came from the back of the room where a student, Luke Hemmings, sat with his headphones blaring some hideous screaming music. I grimaced at the sound of it glancing back at him, but he was already looking at me causing me to clear my throat as I looked back up at the teacher.

I sighed making a girl beside me suddenly awake with a jolt which made me have the urge to burst into laughter. This school bored me and any kind of entertainment was rare. Some may say I'm just describing any kind of school, but no. Our school is absolutely depressing. No one talks in the hallways as we all sluggishly move to our next classes. Some people may dare to whisper, but most don't because if you do, everyone can hear your conversation. There aren't any bright colors painted on the walls, only grey, black, and white. No decorations were hanging upon the walls either not even when holidays came around.

People may think that's impossible for a school to be so depressing and dull, but no, here is my school, West View High, and it's pretty damn dull.

I could hear the person in Luke's music yelling causing me to flinch. God how can he listen to that? Especially at that volume.

But Luke was a very interesting boy. he never talked nor listened to anyone. Some people say he's schizophrenic and his father walked out on him and his mom when Luke was three, but Luke killed his mother at the age of ten. They say that he become mute after that and uses the headphones to block out the voices, but I find it hard to believe.

He looks so...normal.

I had no right to say what normal looked like, but I couldn't help but say it. He didn't look any different than anyone else. He had blonde hair styled in a fluffy quiff and blue eyes which made me nervous because it felt like they were staring into your soul. He wore many band t-shirts and today he decided on one that read green day with black skinny jeans and white all-star high tops. He even had his lip pierced.

Yeah. I was checking him out, but that's beside the point.

He just looked normal. nothing about him screamed psycho, but his music sure did scream.

But maybe his personality was what made everyone think he was schizophrenic, but no one bothered to talk to him so that wouldn't make sense.

I guess if I had to describe luke in one word, it would be distant because most of the time if you look back at him, he looks as if he's somewhere else. It looks as if he isn't there and he's in this other world. But he's also distant because he doesn't tell anyone anything so people just make up things so it seems like they know him.

But they don't.

My eyes moved to his lips where one side was slowly going upwards causing my eyebrows to furrow, but I soon realized what was happening. He was smirking. Not because the kid in front of him was drooling, but because he caught me staring. My eyes widened in realization, and my head snapped forward. My heart was pounding in my chest and my hands felt sweaty. Why did he have this affect on me? Why was a simple smirk making me nervous and scared?

But I realized why; I had looked in his eyes. The ones which felt to be staring into your soul.

"Ivory, are you alright?"

I jumped a little startled as I realized everyone was looking at me as well as the teacher who had spoken. Her old-like face had concerned and a little bit of irritation etched across it.

"Y-yeah. why do you ask?" I finally replied siting up straight hoping my body language would say,'i'm fine.'

"You look a little....pale," she explained smiling weakly. She was an older teacher and an even more boring one.

"Me? Pale? No. I'm fine," I reassured and gave her a tight smile as she nodded and went back to teaching in her monotone voice.

I could feel Luke's eyes watching me causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat. I wiped my sweaty hands on the thigh of my pants and willed myself to stop overreacting about someone's eyes.

But for some stupid reason, my mind just couldn't let it go.

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