chapter three

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The library was quiet as I bit my lip anxiously staring at the entrance, hoping to see a blonde headed boy walk in.

When I exited the class earlier, I had decided to stick a note (cliche I know) inside Luke's locker telling him to meet me in the school library during free period.

Now was free period, and its been only seconds of me waiting, but I could never be more anxious. Just the thought of seeing and talking to him sent shivers up and down my whole body. At the same time, however, I was annoyed. I didn't like the fact that I had to get the most impossible person in the whole class meaning he did none of his work, and he never listens.

I was looking down at my hands having a mental argument with myself when I heard music. It was the same annoying music as Luke's.

"Can you please-" I started looking up, but instantly shut up because right before me stood the one and only Luke.

He stared at me and it was then that I realized how anxious he looked. I felt relieved at that, knowing I wasn't the only one nervous about this.

But why were we nervous anyways?

He made a move to take his headphones off, but stopped as if he was weighing his options. I cringed at the fact that he was actually hesitant to whether he should ignore or talk to me.

Ha, even Luke doesn't like you.

Luke doesn't like anyone, I tried to argue with the voice, but it was pretty much no use; it'd always get the last word.

In the end, Luke decided to take one of the headphones and slide it so it wasn't covering his ear, letting me hear the music even more. He didn't speak, however. All he did was sit there tapping his pencil rapidly on the table, looking everywhere, but at me.

Something made his head snap over to me, and his eyes went wide. It was then that I realized I had talked.

He sat there silent.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did I just say?" I asked, laughing nervously.

He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly, repeating this process.

"Are you mute?" I asked sarcastically.

His face turned beat red and I wondered where the confident, smirking Luke had gone from earlier in class.

"No," he muttered, looking down at his blank paper in front of him.

"Then speak," I demanded.

I didn't understand what happened to me either. I was shy and anxious just seconds ago, and now I was being rude and arrogant.

"Don't a bitch, okay? Let's just get this over with," he grumbled kicking his feet up onto the table.

Well, I'm not the only one who's being rude.

Quickly, all the confidence and arrogance that I held vanished when the word bitch fluttered out of his mouth so effortlessly. It was a dumb, rude adjective that no one ever used in the right way. It shouldn't have impacted me like it did, but I couldn't help it when that's all I use to hear from his mouth.

"L-Let's just d-discuss what the project is about," I stuttered, willing myself to meet his eyes. They held confusion which wasn't hard to see considering his eyebrows were also furrowed downwards. "May you tell me what the p-project is?"

Stop stuttering.

I can't fucking help it, I bit back.

"You were in the classroom. You should know," he huffed, all confusion gone the second it came. "Not my problem if you were too busy staring to listen."

"I wasn't staring!" I shouted, my cheeks flushed. I wasn't lying. At the moment she had been explaining what the project was, I had been too busy fighting with the voice inside that I didn't get to catch what she said. I was, though, indeed staring the class before hers.

"Sure," he smirked, teasingly, crossing his arms. "You were captivated by my good looks."

There's the idiotic Luke I was wondering for.

"Forget it. If you won't help me, I'll ask, um...." I hesitated, not entirely thinking this through. I had no friends in the class so I didn't know who I could possibly ask that would be willing to talk to such a loner as myself. "Um..."

"Go on." His smirk widened. He was enjoying my embarrassment as I struggled to think of someone reasonable.

"Greg," I blurted out, mentally repeatedly hitting myself upside the head.

"Greg," he mocked. "Huh. Greg Norris?"

He was trying not to laugh, I could tell by the way he was biting his lip, turning the lip ring inside his mouth. His eyes were starting to water, and his shoulders were shaking silently from the quiet laughter he let escape.

I gulped, replying,"Yeah, Greg Norris. Jealous, Hemmings?"

"Definitely. I've always wanted to get laid by him," he joked, finally letting out his laughter.

He leaned over supporting himself on his knees. His laughter was loud and contiguous. I almost joined, but I realized what an asshole this boy was being.

Why couldn't he just fucking tell me what the project was?

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, but are we talking about the same Greg? The womanizer? The jock? Are you a fucking idiot? As if he'd help you," he said wiping away the stray away tears that had slipped from laughing so hard. His headphones were close to falling off, and, being the nice person I was, I would have probably fixed them for him, considering they looked expensive and it would be a shame for them to fall and break, but I just couldn't help but think, he deserves it.

"As if it's any different with you," I snapped back. My rude side was coming back and sometimes it got bad. I wanted to push it away, but something about Luke ticked me off. I couldn't stop myself. "You're no better than me, ya know."

He stopped giggling like a school girl and glared at me. "For your information, him and I use to be great friends."

"When? During fifth grade? Wait, no, never mind; you were still a little emo loner," I snarled.

His glare hardened. "Fuck you."

"Wouldn't you want to!" Inside, I was crying, trying to get myself to stop. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn't stop; it was as if that pathetic voice had clawed inside my voice box and was controlling everything I said. I tried to stop myself from speaking anything else, but nothing was able to stop me from blurting out more, "You know, considering you raped your little sister."

He stiffened, eyes wide. "What the actual fuck?"

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honestly idk hi guys it's been a while oops lmao

~ katie

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