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Big Little Secret


February 2013

I was standing in front of the door of the Arenado's backyard I search through the large amount of people looking for a familiar face. After a couple of seconds that felt like hours I finally saw Nolan hanging by our friend Mark who was playing the "DJ" role for the day. His eyes meet mine and I see a smile spread across his face. I feel my heart do a flip and then I feel a little sad because it will be a long time until I can see that sweet smile again.

This was a go away party for Nolan he had been drafted out of High School by the Colorado Rockies and since then he has been playing at the minor league level but there were rumors around that this was the year where he was going to make into the big leagues, so his mom organized a go away party for him just before he had to leave for Spring training.

"Hey, you made it!" Nolan said with a little smile when I was close enough to hear him.

"I can't believe I made it out alive" I joked. I had been worry about taking one of the biggest test of the semester if I pass I was about to be done with college. Nolan hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I could smell the beer on his breath and gave him a knowing smile. He put his cup away and rolled his eyes at me.

"It's my party you know" Nolan said giving me his puppy eyes. I took the cup that I had sat down on the table behind him and drank the little beer that was left on it in a single swing. After studying so much I think I deserve it.

"ATTA GIRL" Mark yelled from behind me and I laughed. I'm not the drinking type if anything I'm the most uptie person that you would ever meet. I don't take chances, most of the times I think way too much about something and all the way in which it can turn out to be wrong, then I just don't do it.

"How was the test?" Nolan asked taking the empty cup from my hand.

"I want to believe that I did a great job, but I'm not really sure" This was me being honest. Nolan took my hands and started to massage my knuckles with his thumbs.

"I know you did great, you always do" Moments like this are exactly why I'm so madly in love with this guy.

Nolan has been my little piece of safe heaven ever since the day I entered the doors of El Toro High School. With a program in my hand and very little English in my vocabulary I walked through the hallways trying to find my way around the classrooms.

Back in my country we had an assigned classroom and the teachers would come to us and teach us the lesson so it was totally new to me having to move from one place to the other every time the bell rang.

Nolan was kind enough to try to help me out, he told me that his Spanish wasn't good but he could understand more than he could speak and that I could talk to him.

We became the best of friends but I always hoped for more. There was something about the way he talked to me and treated me that made me feel safe and I loved that feeling because growing up it wasn't something that I had.

After two years of friendship and once my English was better thanks to Nolan and his parents whose Spanish is amazing we started to date.

Things had been a little different ever since he got drafted. He leaves and plays over there while I'm here in California attending college, for most of the time I don't get to see him as much but knowing that he was doing what he loved made it all better.

"Is it me or the off season went by too fast?" I joked as I felt Nolan's arms around me.

"Well maybe the season will go by fast as well" Nolan's voice was so smooth right now and I felt how my heart was rising by the minute.

Lately I had been thinking a lot about what my friend Dina had told me. If Nolan was in fact about to become a major leaguer our lives were gonna change so much that I can't even imagine what it will be like, but I'm willing to do it no matter how crazy it gets I will be there to cheer for him when he wins and to bake him so cookies when he doesn't feel as well.

I walked with Nolan towards his house while everyone was still in the backyard celebrating but we were craving for some privacy, this was always hard. He was leaving again.

As soon as we step on his room I felt Nolan's hand on my hips. His lips on mine, kissing me with so much passion the way he usually does when he is about to leave. His hands found the zipper in the back of my dress and he starts to pull it down.

"Nolan, we are not about to do this with all your friends and family in the backyard"

"Want me to kick them out?" Nolan asked only half joking.

"Nolan" I said more like a warning.

"Come on baby!, I'm leaving tomorrow" He said giving me his puppy eyes.

"We got to be very quiet" I finally gave in.


April 2013

Today is the day only three weeks into the season and Nolan has been called up to make his major league debut. I can't began to explain how I feel right now he is so happy and so are we everyone in the town is celebrating today. I heard that Mark's dad is setting up a big screen on their backyard so everyone comes and watch the game. Nolan has been very popular in town since his High School days because he was so good and he played all around and made into the newspapers. Nothing like small town pride and that's what all the people in our town is about celebrating our people, and even though I hadn't always live here I feel as I had that's how welcoming they are. Right now I'm on my way to Arizona with Nolan's family we are about to see him play on a major league field and I think that I'm about to cry because the love of my life is making his dream come true tonight and I will be able to see it first hand.

June 2013

Dear Nolan,

I can't believe I'm writing this letter this truly is the saddest moment of my life. I love you so much but I can't endure this any longer. You are always away and I think it will be the best for the both of us to focus on our own goals. I'm leaving town. Please don't look for me it won't do us any good. Keep doing great things. You are an amazing player and an even better person.

I will always be cheering for you,


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