Chapter Two

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I was sitting at a coffee shop that is just a couple of blocks away from the stadium waiting for Scott.
As I waited for him I kept trying to come up with the right words to let him know my current situation.
Noah's dad was here and he happened to be Nolan Arenado also she actually likes him a lot and wants his jersey. That should be easy to explain right ?. I'm so screw!.

For a second I thought of not telling him but Marcus convinced me to come clean to both of them Nolan and Scott.

I guess that telling Scott shouldn't be that much of a pain he knows that Noah has a father.
I never mention him though it's not a topic that comes up often but Noah looks just like Nolan she has his beautiful brown eyes and his dark hair. My hair is a light brown my eyes are darker. So whenever somebody looks at her they know that she resembles her father and not me exactly.
My relationship with Scott it's no super serious but we have been seen each other for a couple of moths and with the amount of craziness that is about to come into my life I feel like he should know the truth.

"Hey Lexi!" Scott's voice made me snap out my thoughts.
"Hey!" I got up and gave him a quick kiss.
"I thought we were meeting later" He said a little worried.
"Yeah, something came up and I wanted to talk to you about it"
"Is everything okay?" Scott said reaching out for my hand.
"Yes everything is fine." I said attempting to smile.
"Okay so what is it?" He said. His piercing blue eyes looking into mine. I tried to come up with the right words to explain him this crazy situation.
"Do you want to get some coffee first?" I said quickly as I felt how my heart beat was rising.
"I do actually, do you want anything ?"
"No, I'm fine. Go get something for yourself " I said with a little smile.
"I'll be right back" He said walking towards the short line of costumers waiting to place their orders.
The door bell rang and I heard some laughter that made me look up from my phone. I felt how my heart stopped I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.
Walking through the door were none other than Carlos Gonzalez, Geraldo Parra and Nolan......Arenado.
I looked at Nolan and how happy he looked as his friends kept saying something very entertaining.
Then he turned around and his eyes met mine. His whole body language changed in about seconds he kept looking at me and for some reason I couldn't turn away.
He started to walk towards me and I felt this need of start running for the hills, but I didn't move.
My Brain kept telling my legs to run but they betrayed me and stayed there.

"Lexi?" Nolan's voice reflected all the confusion that his face was showing.
"Nolan" I said more like a whispered.
"It's really you" He said as he couldn't believe it.
"Yeah" Was all I could said as his eyes were still lock on mine.
No other words were spoken but our eyes said everything that there was to say.
I loved this man and I still do as much as I tried to denied it all these years, I could see it now looking into his eyes that look just like my daughter's and every time I looked into hers it makes me think of him.
"You look great" He broke the silence as his eyes scanned my body.
"You don't look bad yourself " I managed to say.
"This is for you!" Scott was standing in front on me holding one cup on each hand.
"Thank you!" I said taking one from his hand.
I saw Nolan rise and eyebrow as he looked at Scott.
I turned around to  find Scott looking at me as expecting a formal introduction.
"Scott this is Nolan, Nolan this is Scott"  Short and simple. No titles. No stories.
"Hey, Nolan what is it that you want ?" Carlos yelled from the line as he was next to place the order.
"Just black coffee, please!"  Nolan said to his friend.
"Nice to meet you Scott" Nolan said shaking Scott's hand.
"Nice to meet you too"  Scott said cordially.
"Well, it was nice seeing you Lex. Take care" He nodded  his head as a goodbye to Scott and started to walk towards his friends.
"So are you ready to talk ?" Scott said after allowing me a few minutes of silence.
"Yeah. I am" I said after taking a deep breath.
I sat back on my chair loving the safety of the chair knowing that my feet were about to give up on me.
"Scott I want you to know that what just happened was just a funny coincidence" I said not even sure myself if what just happened was real or my mind playing a sick joke on me.
He gave me a confused look and took a sip of his coffee.

"What do you mean?" He said putting his cup back on the table and leaning in towards me.
Nolan had exited the coffee shop already but I still looked around and back up, it felt so weird knowing that he was here and that I was sitting a table with some other man.

"It's about Noah" I said Quickly.
"Okay" Scott said looking at me carefully.
"When we started dating I was very clear that she is and will always be my number one priority, you agreed to it and never asked any questions, I told you that I wasn't marry but I never told you who Noah's father was and as weird as this may sound." I stop talking to reconsider if I should really tell him that the guy that he just met is her father.
"Lexi, You never mentioned it and I thought that you would tell me yourself when you felt it was necessary. He is clearly not in the picture I never thought it would become a problem"
"Well that's the thing. He is in town and Noah wants to meet him"
"He wants to meet her now?" Scott said in a more serious tone of voice.
"He doesn't know about her "
"Lexi, you never told him ?"
"Scott I know this will make me look like a selfish person but, I did it for his own good. I wanted to protect him."
"I'm not judging you, I trust that you had your best intentions at heart but hiding a thing like that from him for so long"
"I know" I interrupted him.
"How are you going to tell Noah?" Scott said ending the silence between us.
"I'll let her meet him and see what happens and from then he and I will have to see how we go about it."
"All I want you to know is that, I'll be here for you whenever you need it." He said putting his hands on top of mine.
"Thank you"

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