Chapter Six

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"This place is beautiful Nolan" I said as we stepped into the restaurant that Nolan had told me to drive to.

The inside was amazing it wasn't very big and there were  few tables, that happened to be  were far from each other which made each dinner private.

There was soft music playing in the background I could feel myself calming down already.

Nolan didn't talk much on our way here, neither did I.

He gave me the address of the restaurant and I put it in the GPS, that was about it.

The drive wasn't long but with the silence in between us it felt like eternity.

"I hope that the food is good" Nolan said with a little smile.

I laughed even though I knew that he wasn't kidding.

Nolan is what people this days call a "Foodie" which basically means that he is very picky about whatever he puts in his body, then again he is an athlete after all.

"Good evening how may I help you" A young girl acting as the concierge of the restaurant asked in a perky tone of voice.

"Reservations are under the name Nolan Arenado" Nolan said politely.

"Of course, you have the Supreme table" She smiled.

"Yeah, That would be the one" Nolan responded.

"Follow me please" She started to walk towards the back of the restaurant, she turned on a small hallway and We kept following her.

"Here it's!" The girl announce when we reached a door. She then opened the door.

I caught my breath at the sight of the room. it was beautiful with a table on the center and a crystal window instead of wall in the background. It had an amazing view to a little lake.

"This is beautiful" I said still in awe.

"Yes, Mrs. Arenado it's quit something" My eyes went straight to Nolan after hearing her call me that. His posture didn't change he didn't react.

"There is two menus on the table and somebody will be here to take your order in.. is 20 minutes good for you?" She asked.
"Yeah, I think it will be fine" I said noticing that Nolan wasn't answering.

The girl closed the door behind her leaving us alone. 

Nolan pulled a chair for me.

"Thank you" I whispered taking a seat.

"Thank you for coming, Lexi"

"I made this mess, it's the least I can do" I said feeling as guilty as ever. He nodded.

"Have you thought of my request" Boy! had I. I didn't get sleep the night before thinking about the situation but then Marcus's words came to my mind and it all was clear.

"Yes, I have a proposition" I said folding my hands on my lap. Trying to sound confident and business like.

"Oh, really?" Nolan tried to fight  back a smile. There was humor in his eyes. He was seeing right through my bullshit.

"Yes" I tried to sound as firm as possible.
"Okay, may I heard it?" At least he was playing along.

"This week will be Noah's last week of school and I think it's a good time for you two to spend time together" I watched Nolan waiting for his reaction.

"First things first, when are we telling her that I'm her father?" 

"Nolan, I know you want to tell her but I think it will be easier for her if you two get to know each other better and then we tell her"

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