XXII. The Last Piece

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What we did not recall, was the ball of red light that came a week later. The beacon that came afterward. It came at us with a fury, an anger that we had evaded. And that was the last piece of me. The last thing that they would get. For they had gone to far and taken and done far more than any was permitted to do.

I felt so bad! There was this constant ache. This constant pain in my pelvis whenever I would stretch, or move in a quicker fashion. I ached. I was tired. I was sick of feeling this way. After a few months of no improvement, I went to the doctor. I needed relief. The results were crazy. After x-rays and an ultrasound, my doctor was astounded! My body showed that physically, I was at a 6 month pregnancy. But when the examination was finished, it was as if the baby had literally been removed from my womb! It was impossible, literally, I had not been with a man in years. There was no evidence of delivery, miscarriage or abortion. Just the absence of the baby!

My daughter was now 7 and I had not been with a man since she had been born. There was no way that I could have been pregnant! On top of that, my doctor had known me since I was 4 years old. Had followed me for every checkup and every odd and unimaginable thing that I had gone through. He was as shocked as I was!

I had to be given medication to help my body return to normal. To get my cycle to go back on track and have my hormones and blood cells equal back out. It took some time, but it happened. The psychological aspect of it took much longer to heal, to go back to normal.

Regained Memory:

I awoke in pain. Horrible burning. The sensation that something within me was ripping me apart and trying to claw its way out. I was home alone. My parents had gone on vacation and my sister had taken my daughter with her. I was working and could not get time off to go. So my brother and I had remained. He was out with his girlfriend. I had no clue when I'd see him again?

I lay there, twisting my hands in the sheets. Could I call for help? Could I even make it to the telephone? Wondering if I could do it, with wicked courage, I pulled back the covers and crawled out from under. It was 2:30 in the morning. I had only been asleep for 4 hours. I felt the pain coming again, a crescendo of agony that popped sweat out along my brow, my back arching against the torment. It went on and on, every time I tried to get up, to escape the pain, it came again! It was horrendous, and I thought to myself, that it felt like childbirth, like when I had brought my daughter into the world. I just wanted it to end. I had pulled myself back up and was army crawling my way across the room, with arms intermediately crossed over my abdomen. It was in intervals, when I suddenly noticed the red light...

The room began to flood with it. Washing out the dark and the night. The door opened and"she" appeared. Gliding over to me, I pushed myself back. Pushing at "her" to stay away. To not touch me.

"Relax." She said and every muscle in my body turned to jello. "We have come. Later it seems, than we had planned." She motioned and the yellow Being appeared. It picked my up and placed me back on the bed. However, not before it had laid down a rubbery type of sheet on the bed. It felt similar to the feel of the Beings skin that carried me.

"Why?" I didn't really know what question I was referring too. Now I would have demanded a thousand questions answered before I tortured the Being myself.

"Progress." Was all she said.

The pain only became more and more. I wanted to wash out everything. But I could not escape. There was no where to escape too!

"Its time." She said. She removed my shirt in a fluid motion, my underthings just as easily. Naked. It looked like something was trying to claw its way out of me! I screamed, a horrible scream of fear and desperation.

A metal rod appearing in her hands, she sliced cleanly through the skin and the squishy tissue beneath. A venous network of tissue, purple and oozing came next and it sizzled as she cleanly sliced through it as well.

"Born in blood." She said.

A small foot protruded from within, little toes wiggling as I screamed more. Fear. Terror. Disbelief. How? How had there been a child within me? Life and I had not known. But this child was small, tiny, maybe only 3 or 4 pounds as it emerged whole and very human looking.

"Yes, you might think that." She replied. "But she is far beyond what is human. We had to incubate her within, in order to succeed. You were the key, the missing piece." She reached over and took the child into her tiny arms. There was a cry, a weak one, but one all the same from the child.

"The perfect Breed." The red one whispered as she turned to leave. "You served us well."She threw back over her shoulder at me as she walked away. I screamed. No, this could not be happening? They could not be taking her? When suddenly I realized that they had not finished with me. Unlike so many times before, they left me open. Weakness flooding through my muscles. Blood seeping into my mattress and onto the floor. They were done with me. Finally, after multiple decades, they were done with me, and they were gonna let me die. I felt tears glide down my cheeks. So much anger and so much frustration coursed through me. But it was replaced by sadness. The loss of a daughter, now it would be 3 daughters.

Who would find me? Who would come and see the butchery that had been left behind? What would they think? My family. They would have no clue what had happened to me, who had done such a thing and the authorities, how would they determine what had been done? Had they seen this type of thing before? Would my case just end up on someones desk to never be solved?

A lifetime of memories washed away in the blink of an eye. And my eyelids got heavy. I could not force them to remain open any longer. But as they drooped down, a bright light, brighter than anything I had ever known, shone through and washed over me in a soothing warmth. So this was death, I thought as my mind drifted away...there was nothing to fear.

©2016 Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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