XXI. Three by Three...

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It started in the dark. It was late, we were camped out in front of the TV, watching scary movies of course. My mother, sister, my daughter and myself. She was 6 and I was 22. It was a girls night, all the guys had gone out for the evening. This was rare. It started out simple enough, we heard some odd noises outside of the house, weird knocking that could be heard on the second floor as well as the first. After a while, we ignored it. A little while later, it suddenly felt funny. The air suddenly feeling charged. It ran along our skin, like a current. My mother and I got up. No matter what, this did not feel right. So we started to look around.

She commented that this reminded her of something, but that she could not recall exactly what it was. By now, our dog was going nuts. His hair was on end, it looked statically charged! He kept growling in a low guttural way and he was creeping from one place to another. This was so unlike him. He was the first to face danger, he was a protector.

It was within moments, when we noticed a strange glow, emitting from outside the living-room window. A light green hue that remained steady at first, before moving quickly out of sight. We waited tensely, like on the verge of a cliff, when it suddenly appeared on the opposite side of the house at the dining-room window.

Mom scrambled. She got my sister and I grabbed my daughter, carefully we waited for the light to move again. This time, it shifted upwards. We grabbed the car keys when we heard commotion from upstairs. We could see the glow, at the top of the stars and the dog rushed forward to it. Mom literally shoved us out the door, as quietly as possible. We raced to our van, climbing in and quietly shutting the doors. Mom put it in neutral and the steady grade of the driveway allowed us to coast backwards and angling slightly, away from the house without making any noise to draw attention towards us.

We sat back and watched, the 4 of us, as this green ball of light moved in and out of the house, several times, scanning... searching through the walls like it was nothing. Slowly moving faster and faster, picking up speed. After 5 minutes, it finally stopped. The ball of light exiting the roof, remaining still in its flight for a few moments, and then shooting directly upwards until it was out of sight, into the night sky or cosmos.

We looked at each other, we were speechless. It was a terrible fear, a terrible emotion that one could not explain that the light had created! Why was it here? What exactly had it been searching for? We did not know. But our dog was never the same after that night. He refused to stay inside the house. Refused to leave the yard. Even in winter, he wanted to remain in the out of doors. And he was touchy. Even to those of us he loved so dearly.

©2015 Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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