Morning After

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"I wanna be the one who. Who you can depend on who. Who be the one who be there. Through the thick and thin. Go by the water we will. Be there 'til the morning. We won't leave until the night. And we will be forever more"
Attached Visual of Trey (left side) & Deshawn (right side)

I woke up to my phone ringing and vibrating. Don't want to answer it considering the fact that I was sleep and now I have a aching headache but that's probably because of all the patron and 1800 I had yesterday plus I had a little bit of Hennessy. I shouldn't have mixed light and dark, I shouldn't be throwing up right now.

"I know you ain't still sleep bitch" I heard Jacobs voice come through the phone
I sighed

"Don't huhh me! It is 1 o'clock in the afternoon misses Marie, you have to get up honey"

"I don't feel like getting up" I said with the covers still over my face

"Breakfast my treat?"

"I'm getting up" I said throwing the covers off of my body sitting up

"That's a shame I have to practically bargain with you using food but I'll be on my way in about 30 minutes" he said.

"Okay I'll be ready" I said before clicking the end button.
Jumping out of bed I went off into my bathroom and continued to do my daily routine. Brushing my teeth, mouthwash, then I hopped in a 15 minute shower. After I was done scrubbing down my body I wrapped
my body in a lavender plush towel that I washed two days ago and had hung up over my bathroom door,
I continued to washed my face.
I take special care of my face. I don't like pimples or blemishes black heads such like that. I like to have a natural glow so I use Natural African black soap, and I tone with an Rose petal witch hazel and I moisturize with the blemish creme from Ponds.
I wet my hair and combed through some moose then threw it up I'm a top knot bun brushing out my baby hairs
I put on some Degree deodorant and then put on my Red Victoria Secret underwear set. Every woman should always match their bra and panty set, even if it's not for an appointment but just for everyday.
Then I got dressed and grabbed my purse putting my IPhone, keys Wallet and others things such as lotion and Advil for my headache. I made my bed and and closed my closet doors then headed out my room closing and locking the door behind me.
I headed down stairs. When I got downstairs my mom and dad was in the kitchen. Mom was cooking bacon and my dad was on his phone.

"Good Morning" I said to both of them.

"Good morning" the said in unison

"So Marie how was you and Hazel's night yesterday"my mom said.

"Ugh it was good, we had fun i guess"
I said going into the refrigerator grabbing the orange juice to pour me a glass to get the tooth paste taste out of my mouth.
Hazel came down the stairs dressed in her pajamas.

"Where you going Marie?" She asked me

"To breakfast"

"With whom?" She asked me grinning.
I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Jacob nosey"

"GoodMorning Hazel" my dad said to Hazel

"Excuse me" my mom said trying to get passed us with the hot skillet bacon with bacon.

"So girls , Me and your mother will be going on a vacation soon as of Monday and we're coming back Monday " Dad sat the News paper down on the table.

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