YOU ARE READING About My Life... Random This will be about how I feel, what I'm feeling, etc; my Wattpad fam was doing this and I was like why not join in! So please don't hate comment, love all my Wattpad fam aka BDBB! And all my friends on here! Story will contain: ~Emotional feeling... #bestfriends #emotionalfeelings #iloveyouguys #livestory #mythoughts #truefamily Face reveal for Vanna 45 7 67 by BitchImHoodini by BitchImHoodini Follow Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story SavannaBatcoonRobert Yeah that's me... I hope you can see me correctly, it's like 11:20 at night and my house is all shut down. I look pale as hell, I'm swollen, I'm getting over being sick and I don't feel like smiling sorry XD But yeah, I'm ugly... So *shrugs* Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Lol nah... I'm really Kevin Heart 😱😱😂😂