9 days...

51 7 39

9 Days Left...

So this is the chapter where I stop dedicating it to people and instead I want to ask you all to do something for me...

Write down one thing that you're going to miss about me (if you're even going too) on every chapter of the count downs until my last day.

I will be on here for my last day saying goodbye to everyone and making final arrangements for my BBS book and things like that. I will stay on here until 7 o'clock my time; Niagara Falls time if you're wonder. Google what time it is in the Falls and you'll see how long you'll have left with me. Once it hits 7:00 pm I will log off my account and delete the app so I won't be tempted to go on it. Thank you all for the love and support you've been giving me; I know you all don't want me to go but I have too.

I love you all...

And remember that's all I ask of you, just write one thing you'll miss (if you even will) about me...


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