Las Vegas

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"Edward!" I shouted as I was being pulled away from him by Rosalie and Alice. Against my will, of course.

"They are going to torture me! And I don't want to ride in first class! I don't even want to ride on a plane!"

"This might do you some good, Bella. A girls' night out. It could be fun," Esme said softly over my screaming. Great, Esme wasn't even on my side.

"I'm sorry, Bella." I knew Edward's indirect threat towards his sisters needed to be taken very seriously from the glint in his angry, yet beautiful, eyes.

My heels were skidding against the floor, making a terrible nails-across-a-chalkboard sound. Hopefully, Esme would forgive me for the scuff marks on her wooden floors. No, it was Alice and Rosalie , Jessica, and I was more worried about. What were they going to do to me?

I thrashed and protested against my  soon-to-be sisters' grips as they yanked me towards the garage.

"Shut up, Bella. At least we aren't taking you to a male strip club," Rosalie said with a sneer in Edward's direction.

"Don't even think about it, Rosalie," he snarled.

I looked down at Alice's tiny arm and almost considered biting it to see if she would let go of me. It would just crumble my teeth into dust. I began flinging my arms out in every direction; I was literally throwing a fit. Rosalie let out an exasperated sigh and knocked my legs out from under me. Alice had me by the arms and Rosalie had me by the legs. I tried kicking myself free, but that didn't do any good. I wouldn't be surprised if there would be bruises lining my ankles within the hour.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

"Fine!" Alice and Rosalie snapped in unison before dropping me on my backside. It was silent for almost half of a minute before they both burst into hysterical laughter. Edward, who thankfully didn't think this was funny at all, growled in disapproval. Instead, he scooped me up in his arms in one lithe movement.

"How about I carry her to the car?" he asked through clenched teeth. Alice and Rosalie, still in their fit of laughter, turned around towards the garage.

Edward turned his attention to me, softer.

"Or, how about we make a run for it?" He smiled my favorite crooked smile and I nodded. Alice jumped in front of him before he was even able to move. He cursed under his breath.

"How dare you, Edward Cullen! If you even think about trying to help her escape again, then your car is going in the garbage!" Alice threatened.

Edward growled angrily. "If you put one finger on my car,and your little self is going in the garbage along with your entire closet."

Alice gasped. "You wouldn't!"

"Enough!" Esme was behind Edward with an unhappy expression.

"I already have Jasper and Emmett locked up in their rooms. Don't make me do it to you two."

Rosalie stuck her fist against her ruby red lips to stifle her laughter. Alice frowned, made a hmph sound, and stomped out of the front door. Edward was still mumbling under his breath about his stubborn sisters. He carried me outside, and I noticed Jasper poking his head out of the second story window. He had one hand outstretched to Alice, who was deliberately ignoring it. She was still giving him the cold shoulder.

Emmett's head was also sticking out on the other side of the house. Rosalie was taunting him by standing just under the window. It looked like if Emmett leaned any further out, he would go barreling headfirst into the ground.

"Come on, Rosalie! You are the most beautiful girl in the entire world! None of those strippers could compare to you!" Edward snorted quietly in response to something Emmett had been thinking.

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