Because of You

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POV Bella

Edward's fingers drifted absentmindedly across my bare arms. Tingles flew through me, causing me to shiver and move myself closer to him, snuggling my face into his chest. We were silent; talking didn't seem necessary to convey our feelings. That was one of the things I liked most about Edward, he was perfectly content with sitting for hours on end, not talking, merely holding me in his strong, marble arms.

We lay side to side, facing each other on my bed. My head was resting on his upper arm, and I listened to his slow steady breathing. His arm wrapped around my back, tracing patterns and creating more tingles and shivers. His hand drifted down, reached the inch of bare skin between my tank top and my pajama shorts. He ran his fingers along my skin; I loved how his fingers lingered there, how soft they felt against the bare skin at my lower back. He tugged my shirt up only inches, but it sent a thrill though me and sent my heart pounding. I willed myself not to fall asleep, to enjoy this moment for as long as possible.

My hands were curled up near my chin, and he reached up with his other arm and held my hand lightly in between our chests. Our fingers intertwined, but he kept his hand in constant motion, lightly tracing patterns along my palm. I shifted slightly, and he pulled me ever closer to him, pulling my waist up against his. He let out a sigh of contentment and wrapped both his arms around me, holding me tightly against his chest. I felt complete, happy, whole, like I belonged here and nowhere else. I looked up beneath my lashes into his sparkling topaz eyes, just inches above my own. For a moment, my breath caught, my heart stopped when Edward smiled slightly down at me.

I began taking deep breaths, inhaling the sweet, melodious scent that enveloped him, enveloped us. My eyelids fluttered closed, I couldn't hold off sleep any longer. I felt a light, wonderful pressure on the top of my head, and felt an incredible jolt of happiness as Edward kissed the top of my head. He unwound one arm for an instant to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, before enclosing me once more in the safety of his arms.

"Sleep well, my Bella," he whispered, and let out a sigh again as he pulled me close against his chest.

I woke mere hours later to the sound of rain splashing against the roof. I couldn't open my eyes, willing my dream to continue. But as I shifted beneath my covers, I felt a pair of cold arms wrap around me, strong hands moving up and down my back. Realization hit me. It wasn't a dream; Edward had stayed with me.

A pair of lips pressed lightly to my forehead, continued down to my closed eyelids, to the corner of my lips. I opened my eyes slowly; disbelieving that Edward was still with me.

"Bella," he said, slightly reproving, "You should be sleeping. Did I wake you?"

"No. It was the rain," I breathed, still slightly shocked.

He must have seen the disbelief on my face, for he whispered, "What's the matter? You seem upset. Please tell me what is on your mind."

"Why did you think you woke me up?" I asked curiously.

A smirk crossed his face, and if he could blush, I believe a light one might have touched his beautiful features.

"While you were sleeping, you said my name.The fact that you dream about me..." he trailed off. "You then asked me to kiss you, to kiss your hair again. I couldn't resist. I can't deny you what you want." He smiled crookedly at me, and leaned his head down once more to kiss my hair. I shivered and shifted closer against his chest; he tightened his arms.

"So I woke you up?" I asked

"No,I couldnt sleep." He confessed

"I thought that was what woke you," he admitted, and I blushed against his chest. He let his hands travel down, resting at the bare skin at my lower back, making me tremble. "I can hum to you if you wish Bella. Would it help drown out the rain, help you to fall asleep?"

A sudden exhilarating thought came to me. What with the pounding of the rain, and the blood coursing through my veins at Edward's latest confession, sleep seemed a near impossibility. I didn't answer him immediately; I was too embarrassed to voice my request.

He noticed my pause, my hesitation, removed one hand from my back, and cupped it under my chin and tilted my face towards his. I flickered my eyes up to see his face, and again felt as though I couldn't breath. I became dizzy, until Edward whispered, "Breath Bella," and I inhaled a wave of cool air that escaped his mouth from the whisper.

"Edward," I gained confidence in the shiver that went through him as I whispered his name, "will you kiss me again?"

I remained wary. Edward would surely say no, that it was too late, that I was testing his control. But in the moment that I took to ponder this, he bent his head and kissed my hair again.

I pouted. "That's not what I meant." He continued his kisses down my cheekbone, to the corner of my lips. Here he paused, and I closed my eyes, waiting. His lips touched mine; a tingling spark flew between us, and he kissed me softly, tenderly.

"Mmmm...," he let out a hum of contentment that made me smile and break away, heart racing. "Sleep now, Bella, you must be exhausted." I let myself settle deeper into the cradle of his arms, and drifted to sleep.

When I woke the following morning, I stretched but could not feel Edward near me. Had it all been a dream? I rolled over; searching, and felt the world turn upside-down. My sheets released me from their twisted hold, and I fell out of my bed towards the floor below. I screwed up my face against the crash, and felt my breath leave me as I face planted against the floorboards. I moaned and rolled over, hearing the creak of a window as I did so.

Someone gasped, and I was swept up off the floor in one quick motion. Edward cradled me on his lap, his arms soothing, rubbing up and down my back. The dizziness of falling and returning to the bed so quickly threatened to engulf me; I took deep, steadying breaths, inhaling Edward's glorious scent.

"Bella, are you all right? I leave for two minutes and you manage to hurt yourself," he chuckled, but concern colored his tone just the same.

I tried to stop my head from spinning. "Yeah. I just - I feel sort of dizzy." Edward placed a cooling hand on my forehead, as I placed my chin in my hands.

"Ouch!" I yelped, drawing my hands away from my chin, clearly it received the most damage from my fall. Edward removed his hand instantly, bringing the dizzy feeling back.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked, worried, his eyebrows pulling together.

I immediately reached out for his hand, and returned it to my forehead. "No I hurt myself," I sighed. "Big surprise there," I mumbled sarcastically. Edward let out a low chuckle. He moved his hands from my forehead to my cheeks, searching with his eyes to detect any sign of injury. He began ever so lightly kissing my jaw line, from cheek to cheek, leaving icy patches on my face, and causing shivers to run up my bare arms and legs.

"Better?" he asked, and I merely nodded weakly, leaning my head onto his shoulder. He picked me up, keeping my head against his shoulder, and carried me silently into the bathroom. It was the crack of dawn; Emmett was snoring in the next room. Edward set me down gently, and stood behind me, sliding his hands around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder, and looked at my reflection.

I tore my eyes away from his, and looked at my own face. A light purple-blue tinted bruise was forming on my chin, but before I could concern myself more with this latest injury, Edward began gently kissing my shoulders, keeping his arms tight around me.

I tried to break his grasp to turn towards him, but it was impossible. But the moment he noticed my squirming, he loosened his grasp, and spun me swiftly around. I staggered, still dizzy from the fall, and stumbled into his chest. Edward chuckled again, and retightened his hold around my waist. He bent down to kiss me, once, twice, three times.

I searched for his lips once again, and he firmly picked me up in his arms....

How's that for a cliffhanger??

I like this chapter. funny and sweet. tell me what you think and i'll write more!!!

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