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Alice POV:

"It was all Alice's idea! I had absolutely nothing to do with Bella drinking too much! It was all her!" Rosalie shouted, jabbing a finger in my direction.

My jaw dropped in shock. What the hell was wrong with her? She had planned this so quickly that I had completely missed her decision process, rendering myself incapable of catching her in the act. Edward was staring at me with one eyebrow raised. He actually believed her?

Throwing my hands up into the air, exasperated, I yelled, "It's not my fault! Bella was enjoying her 'Combos' and wouldn't quit drinking them, no matter how hard we tried to stop her! It's Bella's fault that she is all messed up in the head right now!"

I bit my lip as Edward's face grew even more furious. Big mistake, I thought to myself. "Don't put this on Bella!" he shouted. "You were in charge of her and it's your fault that she can't even stand up correctly!"

"She wouldn't be able to stand up even if she was alcohol free." Edward  at Rosalie, and she threw her hands up defensively and took a step back from him. "What?! I'm sorry but that girl is a walking death trap," she said in an arrogant voice.

"Keep bringing Bella into this. I dare you," Edward threatened.

"Bella is in the middle of this. Why not bring her into it? If Alice didn't get her drunk, then you wouldn't be so upset with us."

And what point was she trying to make by this?

Having had enough, I growled and stepped to the side, grabbing the pitcher of water off of a nearby endtable. I raised it and poured the ice water on top of Rosalie's blonde head. She scrunched her shoulders, her mouth open in shock, as the water drops slid down her dress and over her face, ruining her carefully arranged hair and make-up.

"Now that was my fault!" I said with a smile.

"My hair!" she shrieked in a high-pitched and squeaky voice. "How dare you!"

I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her like a four-year-old. "That's what you get, little miss it's-not-my-fault!"

"Shut up! Both of you!" Edward ordered, his face furious. "It's your fault too, Rosalie."

She didn't answer; she was way too busy glaring at me. Her eyes were daggers, trying to effect me with the unstable intensity. Half of her was infuriated with me, and the other half was embarrassed by her lack of a beautiful appearance. My lips were pressed tight together, stifling my laughter as I took in the black, inky streaks sliding down Rosalie's face from her loads of mascara. It was definitely a sight to see.

And I just couldn't resist.

I burst into a fit of hysterical laughter, my hands on my knees for support. Edward slapped his hand to his forehead and muttered, "Hopeless." Rosalie's eyes darted nervously around the room as she brushed her forefingers across her cheeks.

She stared down at her blackened hands in disbelief, letting out a frustrated shriek. "Damn Maybelline! This is supposed to be water-proof!"

"Obviously it's not!" I laughed, pointing at her striped face. "You look like a zebra!"

Her jaw dropped, offended. She flew forward, snatching the water pitcher from my hand, and hurled it straight at my face. I craned my neck, narrowly missing it.

It might have missed my face, but there was always a valuable and expensive object for it to hit in a fancy suite like this.

It crashed into the plasma-screen TV, causing shards of glass to scatter everywhere on the living room floor. A web-like crack spread through the front of the screen. It sparked with a sound like an electric shock shortly afterwards. Rosalie, Edward, and I all stared at it, as if we were expecting it to magically repair itself.

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