A Threat?

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I watched as the two most important people in my life slept. Bella had fallen asleep almost instantly and Anthony had begun sucking his thumb, he looked absolutely adorable. I wanted to hold him, but I knew he needed his rest we all did.

I brought the small crib as close as possible as I hummed them both a lullaby. I was on such a high, that I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I would stand guard over them, because I knew I would never let anything happen to either of them.

Anthony began to fuss after a few minutes and I carried him gently careful not to wake Bella. I walked to the corner of the room humming softly as he looked up at me. I knew that he couldn't see me clearly, but it still felt nice to see his green eyes looking into mine.

"Why are you fussing?" I asked him in a gentle voice. "You're going to wake up your mommy who is really tired."

"Can I see my nephew?" Alice asked sticking her head inside. "I know I'm a bit early, but I couldn't wait."

"Come in." I said gesturing with my head that Bella was asleep.

"I'll be quiet." She assured me in a low voice as she approached Anthony and me slowly. "I wanted to see him before everyone bombarded you guys. Jasper is waiting outside and will come in with everybody else."

"Auntie Alice, this is your nephew, Anthony." I introduced as she peered at the little bundle in my arms.

"He looks like you!" Alice said. "He's even sucking his thumb."

"I know." I said with a smile. "Do you want to hold him?"

"Can I?" She beamed with a huge smile. I knew she didn't know how to quite ask.

"Wash your hands first, and then you can." I said as she made her way into the small bathroom in our room.

Alice came back her hands freshly cleaned as I gently placed Anthony in her arms. She looked down at him in awe as she rocked him back and forth. "How does it feel to be a dad?" She questioned her eyes not leaving her nephew.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully. "I don't think it has sunk in yet. It's hard to believe I helped create this little miracle."

"He's precious, Edward. He looks just like you and he even sucks his thumb." She commented. "I just met him and I think I'm in love."

"I know I am." I replied as she slowly handed him back to me. "Congratulations, brother. I love you."

"I love you too, sis." I answered as she waved sneaking back outside.

Anthony had gone back to sleep in my arms, and I was reluctant to let him go. I sat in the little rocking chair they provided softly rocking back and forth. He seemed so content in my arms like it was exactly where he belonged.

"You two are so cute together." I heard Bella comment. She had woken up and was now staring at us. She looked tired, but definitely had the new mom glow. She was beautiful.

"Did I wake you?" I asked hesitantly. I thought I had been quiet enough not to wake her, I knew she needed her rest.

"I'm too excited to sleep." She answered trying to sit up. "I want to hold him."

I placed Anthony on his crib before helping Bella sit up slightly. She couldn't sit up completely, but I knew it had to uncomfortable to be on your back. "I didn't get say this yet, but you did great." I complimented giving her a kiss.

"I didn't have to do much just stay there." She answered as I rolled my eyes.

"Bella you nourished our son in you, and he is here only because of you. I wish I could do all that for him." I explained as she smiled kissing me yet again.

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