Back At School

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i wake up to my alarm and get dressed. i'm so upset because summer flew by so quickly and now i have to be a senior at school.

i don't want to go back to school because before the summer holidays natsu confessed his love to Lissanna. I hate her and she hates me. the only thing we both have in commen is that we both like Natsu.

Lisanna stole my friends from me and now i just sit in the english department and write my stories all alone.

'LUCY ARE YOU UP!' my father shouted from downtairs.

'YEAH DAD!, I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!' i replied and the convosation was silent. after my mother died me and my dad were far apart but we still care about each other. he isn't like typical dads in the movies or books. he doesnt get drunk and isolate himself from everything. well he does work a lot but he still talks to me and everything.

i put on a pink vest top. and skinny black ripped jeans wearing my Doc Martins.

i walk down the stairs and see my father waiting by the door. joking around looking at his watch and then chuckled. i rolled my eyes and giggled and we both walked over to the car.


here we go. i always get nervous when i go back to school. i don't know why but i just feel awkward. ever since Levy Juvia and Erza ditched me to hang out with Lisanna ive just gone awkward.

'okay...bye daddy!' i kissed him on the cheek and he smiled.

'bye lucy...i'll see you at 8:00pm later okay' i smiled and nodded and walked out the car. i waved goodbye and watched him drive away.


i walked into the gates of hell and by that i ean school and already i have eyes on me. lke they are judging me. i just ignored them and looked down.

i waked to my locker and i still kept on looking down. untill....


i fall flat on the floor feeling embarrised.

'oh sorry...i think you should look up to see where your going hehe' i opened my eyes and saw a pink haired boy in front of me with his hand out to offer me up. i rubbd my eyes and relised it was Natsu. i turned pink and carried on looking down.

'hey sorry if i embarrised you...your le-xie right?' wow okay what do i i nod or shake.

'u-u-um...i-its l-lucy' i said and natsu giggled.

'oh sorry hehe. lucy. i'll remember next time' i looked up in his big green emerald eyes. and smiled. all i could do was nod.

'well uh...i'll see you later yeah...see you later lu-'

'Lucy' i helped him remember once again.

i walked to my first lesson which was maths and though about me and Natsu. not in a creepy way. just a way as friends.

maybey being back at school wont be so bad after all.


hey guys its me Saffy_Of_Fairy Tail. and this is my first story. 

i hope you like it and vote for it becuase that woud be great. 

thanks for reading my first chapter once again i hope you liked it  


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