Collin's Getting Me a Car. Because I so Wanted One.

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Chapter 4

-Kaylie's POV-

Mum was sure and very content on keeping Andy and I on the couch with her whilst we waiting until the sun went down and Collin came out. Although, I was thinking of all the possible ways of how I could get Andy out of here in hopes that he didn't think differently of me because of this.

"Um... where's your bathroom?" Andy asked suddenly, his voice croaky and adorable. Mum turned to slowly look at him and I quickly moved and wrapped my hand around her mouth so she couldn't say anything and that I'd beat her to it.

"It's just up those stairs and the door at the end of the hall," I told him, biting down on my bottom lip when Mum sunk her teeth into the palm of my hand. He nodded a thank you to me and got up, walking to towards the stairs. Each step he took, his body stiffened and it seemed that he was in pain.

I removed my hand from her mouth and she turned quickly to shoot a glare at me, "I said we were all staying here!" she growled and I rolled my eyes. Was she serious? Does she not know how much this means to me? This is the first person ever into his town who had ever been civil to me and talking to me first and voluntarily. This was crucial and I just prayed Mum wouldn't ruin this once in a life time chance for me.

A startled cry came from upstairs and I shot out of my seat on the couch and ran towards and up the stairs. When I had gotten to the top, Andy and Collin were both facing each other and Collin looked angry, surprise and... like he was honoured or something. I've seen that look on him before and it was the look he gave when he was pleased to see someone or when he was meeting someone for the first time.

But this was on was... different... somehow.

"Hello..." Collin said, his voice trailing off. It seemed to me that he knew Andy's name, but was acting like he didn't.

"Andy," Andy said with a nod and Collin did a little bow. I furrowed my eyebrows at this act and made my way slowly up the stairs. Collin seemed to notice and he turned his head towards me.

"Um... is there a problem?" I asked, feeling the sudden tension in the air before I picked up on the look of Collin.

He looked nearly as bad as Andy, bit his skin wasn't as off colour as Andy's. There was tiredness in his eyes and his hair was limp Andy's, unlike its usual beautiful fluffiness. Collin looked ill as well.

"Are you alright, Collin? You don't look so hot," I told him and he gave me a cheeky smile and I immediately regretted saying that last part knowing he'd be thinking of it a different way than I had intended.

"Oh, I'm always hot, love. It's just... last night... I started to... feel ill...?" it had seemed to come out like a question unintentionally. I rolled my eyes at him before shaking my head and walking into my room. Not long after, there was a knock on the open door and I turned to look at Andy and Collin standing in the threshold. "May we come in?"

"Yeah... but you might want to go and talk to Mum first, Collin. She's quite angry," I told him and Andy took a step in, his eyes wandering around my room, taking in it's appearance of clothes sporadically strewn across the floor.

"You're room's quite large..." he said and I looked around also. I had never realise it, but it kind of was. There was so much extra room around my bed, night stand and desk. I nodded at his comment and smiled at him.

"Enough room to make a mess," I told him and stepped over one of my many black shirts and towards my bathroom. I opened the door and turned on the light. I had left my straightener out and my toothbrush on the sink.

"Oh, you should see my room... you can't even really see the floor..." he trailed off and ran his fingers through his black hair.

"My room can get like that... very easily," I said and opened the bottom of my sink and pulled out the colours that I wanted to dye my hair along with some developer and a bottle to mix it in.

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