My "Date" Ends with me Drowning.

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Chapter 1

There was the faint sound of a car horn. Curiously, I peaked out my curtains, spotting a sleek black, expensive looking sports car. Before my thoughts could wander on what kind of spoiled rich brat that car could belong to, my mobile made a rather loud dinging noise - signalling I had recieved a text.

'Hey, I'm outside waiting ;) - Ryan xx'

I smiled slightly at his cheeky emoticon and replied with a 'on my way out' before shoving my mobile in my back pocket. I grabbed my black purse and shoved it in my other back pocket. I quickly made my way down the steps. I kissed my mum's cheek while running towards the door and grabbing my black jumper from off the coat rack by the door.

"Be safe!" Mum called out and I was hoping she was talking about my well being and not about protected sex. But, knowing how cheeky my mum could be, she was most likely talking about protected sex.

"I will!" I called out before shutting the door behind me. When I had for outside, Ryan was out of the driver's seat and on the passenger side, waiting with the door open. I walked around to him and smiled. "Thank you, Ryan."

"You're welcome, Love," he nodded with a polite smile and shut the passenger door once I was all the way on the seat. I plugged in my seat belt and waiting patiently foe him to get in.

When he had, he started the car and pulled out onto the road, driving towards the motorway.

"So, where would you like to go?" he asked casually, briefly taking his eyes off the road to glance at me before returning his eyes to the road.

"Anywhere but the cinema," I laughed nervously.

"I'm not surprised that you wouldn't want to there," he chuckled.

"I'm actually cool with just going anywhere. Why don't you pick?" I suggested and he pursed his lips.

"How about we get fish and chips while walking down the pier?" Ryan asked with a shrug.

"Sounds good," I nodded with a smile. Ryan smiled as well before stopping at a red light in a turning lane.

We waited quietly for the light to turn green, and when it had, Ryan made a left and onto the motorway going towards the beach. We weren't that far from it. Maybe and hour's drive.

I texted my mum on where were going and that I'd probably be home late because of the distance. She didn't reply, which I was thankful for.

The silence in the car wasn't awkward like I had suspected, but rather quite comfortable. Neither of us broke it, we just sat there quietly enjoying it. I guess Ryan couldn't stand the silence because he turned on the radio. The song "Never Too Late" by Three Days Grace began to play and I realised his iPod was plugged into the radio. I silently mouthed the words and I could have sworn he rolled his eyes.

An hour and forty five minutes later, we were both sat on the wood planks on the pier floor, sharing a basket of fish and chips. We both had our feet dangling over the edge and I was wary of him. There wasn't railing close to us, so we could easily fall off and into the unforgivable crashing waves twenty metres below us.

"Jesus!" he exclaimed suddenly and stood to his feet. "I can't do this anymore!"

I knew it was too good to be true.

I finished chewing the chip I had just placed in my mouth and looked at Ryan with an eyebrow raised, ready to tell him what was running through my head.

"You're the most pathetic bitch I've ever seen! I can't even finish this stupid dare because I can't take it anymore!" Ryan yelled and kicked the basket into the water. I didn't care, the fish was too greasy and the chips were rather salty. I thought he was enjoying them.

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