Watching a Film with my Annoying Brother is the Best Way to End a Saturday.

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Chapter 5

-Kaylie's POV-

Collin was more excited about buying me a car than I was recieving one. I swear, he looked as happy as a kid in a sweets shop. Oh my god. I was stood beside him in an office whilst him and some guy were talking and laughing and we've been in here for an hour because I had finally chosen the car that merely interested me after like two hours of Collin and a saleslady showing me a bunch of cars and what were the perks of them all. 

I was impatiently shaking my leg and refrained from groaning with annoyance my brother and the man behind the desk and I was fairly certain Andy was sleeping beside me because his head was on my shoulder and he was breathing softly, evenly and totally relaxed. 

He was still wearing his sun glasses, as was Collin, and his hair had began to look just a bit healthier the darker it had gotten outside. I gently ran my finger through his black hair that was curling at the ends and I marvelled at how soft it was beneath my fingers. Holy fuck, it feels like silk. I could honestly just sit here and stroke his hair all bloody day. 

"Alright, it was nice meeting you, mate," Collin finally said and I sighed quietly with great relief because my bum was staring to hurt in these surprisingly uncomfortable chairs that had looked rather comfortable before I sat in one. 

"If you or your sister and her boyfriend have any trouble with the car, feel free to bring it back and we'll take a look at it rather than some dodgy, overweight man in a garage somewhere out in the middle of nowhere who'll charge you over a hundred quid for a petty oil change," the man told him and I rose my eyebrow because that wasn't what ususally happened when you take a car in to go get fixed, sometimes you burn out the clutch and you have to get that fixed. That costs quite a lot when you have barely anything to spend. Although, it's easily fixed, but not as easily priced. Bastards. 

"Let's go, Kaylie... is he sleeping? Why are you petting him?" Collin asked, stopping to look up at me with his eyebrows furrowed and I stopped mid stroke on Andy's hair and I shrugged. 

"His hair is soft," I rolled my eyes and gently shook the sleeping boy who shook his head in protest and snuggled a bit more into my shoulder. Awfully close to my boob and I stopped moving for a couple of seconds before shaking him again, "Andy, c'mon, get up we're leaving." 

He sat up quickly, his sunglasses almost falling off his face if he hadn't stopped them. He sighed with seemed to be relief when he turned to look at me. Running his hand through his hair, he stood up with a nearly silent apology. 

The three of us shook the man's hand on the way out of his office and out into the nearly dark and empty night. I pulled out my mobile just to check the time and I groaned at the time and when my stomach growled. 

"It's alright, love, I'll get you food soon," I mumbled quietly whilst patting my stomach. It was nearly eight and I hadn't eaten a thing all day. We had gotten here at five because all three of us got side tracked by a fair and we went an had fun for a few hours before coming here and you'd think that I would have gotten food from there, but the sad truth is: even I procrastinate eating sometimes. 

Procrastination. A horrible little bitch that is. 

"Ignore her, she thinks her stomach can hear her," I heard Collin say and out of the corner of my eye, I could see him motioning a little circle round the side of his head just a couple of inches from his ears and I stopped walking. I glared harshly at him and pointed my figner. 

"You take that back, Collin! Take it back right now!" I growled and he just laughed at me. "I can assure you, this is no laughing matter, my stomach can hear me! It stopped growling so it has to have heard me!" Andy joined in the laughter and I glared at him as well. "We are no longer friends, Collin." I turned on my heel and started to walk towards the bus stop across the street.  

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