Lovely Day it's Been

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Chapter 6

-Kaylie's POV-

I groaned. The sun was coming through the curtains in the living room and Collin had his back to me, taking most of the duvet. I glared at the back of his head and squinted in the harsh light that was seeping through the curtains that had a break in them.

I threw the remaining duvet off of me and got up to close the curtains the rest of the way before returning back to where I was laying on the floor. I had closed my eyes and attempted to go back to sleep, but them I had remembered something very, extremely important and I shot up.

"Shit!" I snapped, jumping to my feet and Collin sprang up as well, looking round with wide, tired eyes, seemingly scanning the surroundings for any threats. When he didn't find any, he turned to me with a confused glare.

"Why do you have to get up all crazy like?" he asked, his voice gruff and groggy. I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you have to take all the damned blankets?" I snapped, "And I'm late for work. FUCK!" I checked the time on the clock and felt the overwhelming need to cry. I had only been late to work two other times, several months apart and although my boss didn't mind, I on the other hand minded. I didn't like being late to things that were important. I was always late to my classes in school, but work was another thing.

I ran up the stairs and to my room, quickly changing into my work uniform, a pair of black Converse and brushed my teeth. I didn't have time to put on eye liner and I wasn't too keen on attempting to put it on in the new car Collin had gotten for me. I quickly brushed my hair and washed my face before grabbing my car keys with my house keys, purse and mobile.

I ran down the stairs and towards the door, grabbing my jumper and shrugging it on as I jogged out the door, "bye, Collin. Don't burn the house down, Mum will be home in a couple of hours. No parties or wild animals allowed in the house." without waiting for a reply, I slammed the door shut behind me and ran to my car, quickly getting in.

I started it up and quickly pulled out of the drive way and into the street. I occasionally looked into the mirror on the sun visor thing at the stop lights and noticed I looked really pale and tired. My light freckles were in full view and was preparing myself for the inevitable questions by my co-workers, "you have freckles?" they'll probably ask and I'll have to fake a smile and answer back sheepishly... depending on my mood when I get there. Either it'd be a shy, weak reply or a sassy snap.

I didn't work far, just the next town over thirty minutes away by drive. There wasn't much traffic and I was thankful for that because was already twenty minutes late and I had a sinking, guilty feeling in my stomach. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I got about all the looks I'd get by mt co-workers for coming in almost an hour late.

After nearly an anxiety attack and a call to Collin for some comfort and reassurance, I finally made it into work and punched in unnoticed until my boss came up to me with a large smile.

"So glad you could make it!" she chirped and pulled me in for a hug, one I didn't return. I never returned her hugs, she just hugged too much and it'd be a bit tiring to hug her back every time. "I wasn't sure if you were coming in today or not, I was a bit worried actually, but then your brother called and told us that it was his fault you'd be late. You didn't tell me you had a brother!" 

"Uh... that conversation never came up and no one ever asked, so I never had to tell anybody," I muttered, chewing lightly on my bottom lip. "So, uh, what is that you need me to do? Clean the toilets? Cinema rooms?" 

"No, can you work the till? It's noon and you know how to gets round noon," she smiled. "Oh, you're such a darling!" she pinched my cheeks before walking away. I rolled my eyes with a slight smile before grabbing my lanyard from a drawer and put it round my neck whilst making my way to the tills. 

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