Officially Meeting him. Also Known as 'A'

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Chapter 2

-Kaylie's Point of View-

The next morning I had woken up with a killer head ache and I felt like I was dying. My nose was stuffed and my throat was scratchy and my limbs ached. I called into work, sick. I told my boss Cindy that I wasn't coming in because I was sick and didn't wan to pass it on to other employees or the customers as the cinema.

Mum had came in and made me some ramen noodles and gave me some Tylenol since I had to go with her to go and get me a new mobile since mine was ruined in the ocean last night.

Yes, I was still going to meet this 'A' guy. He did save me, after all. I planned on meeting him and giving him a proper thank you. Hopefully I won't get him sick. Mum was definitely going to get sick because of me, but she didn't mind, as long as I was okay before she got sick. She hated when we were both sick because we couldn't really take care of each other when just one of us were sick. Mum actually enjoyed taking care of me when I was sick.

I quickly ate my ramen noodles and grabbed my purse and broken mobile from the side bed table, but when I did, I noticed there was another paper there. It was a new one and I grabbed it, glancing at my window to find that it was closed, just like I had left it.

Dear Lovely Girl I Saved,

I took notice that you had caught a cold from the cold ocean water. I am terribly sorry this has happened. In your bathroom is a vile of red liquid near the sink. I suggest that you drink it, it will relieve you of your cold symptoms, completely making your cold go away and you'll be back to health and cure your physical injuries from last night.

Hope to see you tonight, Love.

Yours truly, A xx

I stared at the letter. How the hell did he take notice that I had caught a cold?! Why the hell does he keep coming?! But... if the red liquid will make me better... I'm definitely taking it. I set the letter down on the table and walked into my bathroom... I had to get ready anyway.

I turned on my iPod that was connected to its dock and the song "Face Down" by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus began to play. I silently began to sing along to it. I stopped when I discovered the vial full of red liquid by the sink, just like the letter had said. I slowly reached out the pick it up. It was actually warm and from the looks of it, it was thick. What was it?

I opened it and sniffed it, it actually smelled... good... I shrugged before bringing it to my mouth. Only if it makes me feel better.... Despite its smell, it was quite salty and repulsive. But I forced myself to swallow it because it was already in my mouth due to its deceiving smell. I wouldn't want to make a mess with it.

Immediately, I felt my nose clear up, my sore head go away, the aching in my limbs and the numbness in my back go away. I took off my shirt and tore off the gauze. I turned and look to see the last of my back wounds heal before my eyes. What hell did I just drink?

Ignoring that strange experience, I turned on the shower and took a quick shower. The shower was refreshing because I was still a bit sleepy. I had allowed my hair to air dry and I quickly got dressed and pulled on a pair of my black DMs before making my way down the steps to the parlour where Mum was waiting.

"You look like you feel better," she commented and I chuckled. I gave her a smile and a thumbs up. She ruffled my damp curly hair before walking towards door and I followd her out.

Mum smirked at me as I got into the passenger seat. I slowly turned to look at her and her smirk turned into a smile. I sighed. I knew that smile. It was the one she made when she wanted to ask a sexual question or make a sexual joke.

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