Chapter 1 - Born of Darkness and Light

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I don't remember my parents. All I remember is why I run.

I opened my eyes. The eternal sun of heaven reached for my skin, its light arcing through the tree cover from so far away. Still on my knees, I looked to it in the distance. I didn't sleep, but I prayed, and after hours of it, I felt rested and ready. It was a good thing I was ready too, because I heard them behind me.

"GRAH!" I heard a roar behind me. Three dark figures leaped at me from under the shadowy reaches of the trees behind me. I dropped forward and laid flat on the ground. I heard the figures fly over me, and felt their claws graze the back of my white leather vest. I rolled forward and onto my feet. I stayed on a knee, and studied them.

Wolves made of darkness. They go by many names, the most common, "hellhound." Their powerful, stern bodies; stretched, black leather hide; fiery, blood red eyes; thick, obsidian claws; made strong with anger, anger towards their abusive masters, towards their prey, towards their brothers, anger towards anything living. Predators made of pure hatred. What seemed to be shadows lifted off the hide of the hounds like smoke, but it was a physical manifestation of fury.

I could see it in their eyes. The satisfaction of their anger, the augmenting of it. I was in their domain, in their darkness, and they found me, their prey. Too bad it would be short-lived.

"RHAA!" One hound roared again and darted towards me. They moved quickly, as if they didn't exist physically. They moved as if they were light as the air, yet with the strength of Horsemen. I blinked and suddenly I flew backwards, feeling the full force of its thrown weight against me and its claws digging into my vest. I hit the ground on my back and, still sliding backwards, pushed the hound over me. He flew back into a tree and it shattered in half. I jumped to my feet to find the other two hounds darting towards me.

I put my hand on my sheathed blade at my hip, leaned forward with my left knee bent and right foot behind me. I stared at them running towards me. People always say, "moves fast as light." I ask you, if light is fast, how fast is darkness? If you saw a hellhound with its sights on its prey, you would know.

However, they aren't fast enough.

They jumped at me, and with one simple move and I sliced one in two. The two halves flew past me and ahnihilated two more trees. The other hound was not so lucky. As I brought my blade back around, I thrust it into his chest. All of this happened before a blink of the eye. The hound's lifeless corpse stopped at the hilt of my blade, its face still deformed with bloodlust. Slowly I saw the fire in its eyes burn out as they turned black. Its limbs, previously outstretched to rip me apart, fell lifelessly, and I slid the shadowy monster off my sword.

I looked down at the black blood coating my blade. I wiped it off with my thumb, and saw my sword shine. I saw myself in the reflection, white skin, one deep black eye, one pure white eye, onyx hair, a small scratch on my face, my soul shining through it. I was always told people would see me as a monster. I wondered if it was true.

Then I focused on the golden sigils inscribed into my silver blade. One of the most powerful blades ever made, crafted out of silver-steel they call it, with inscriptions warding it against any creature light or dark. It was made by my father, inscribed by a high-hunter, enchanted by a sorcerer, blessed by one who's heard the Words of God. My father was a great man, at least, I think he was. This was a gift he gave me. At least, I hope it was. One day I'll remember. I'll remember everything.

I heard leaves crack behind me. I spun around and stuck my blade straight into the ground, thrusting it through the top of the first hound's head who lunged at me again from behind, pinning him to the ground as dead as his two brothers. I pulled my blade out of his skull, and sheathed it. With my head to the ground, I started walking. I had a long way to go.

I don't remember my parents. All I remember is what they made me. A Seraphim.

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