Different Perspectives

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Hope you like it!

Chapter 1

Thud! Thud! My eyelids flew open as the loud thumps woke me from my slumber. Groaning, I looked outside and saw a hazel brown owl at my window. I jumped out of bed, immediately recognizing the owl. It was from my best friend Sapphire Slytherin. Our parents were great friends from Hogwarts as they had been schoolmates together. Now, we were finally going to Hogwarts! I took the letter attached to the owl and read through it eagerly.

Dear Erin,

It's finally tomorrow! We are gonna go to Hogwarts! I suppose you haven't bought your books or anything yet? Even if you have, do you want to meet at Diagon Alley later? My parents are bringing me there to get supplies and a wand! Reply ASAP with my owl and let me know if you can come. Hope to see you later!



I knew my parents would take me there since we had already planned to do so earlier so I rummaged in my drawers and grabbed a quill and a small piece of parchment and quickly scrawled back.

Dear Sapphire,

I'd love to meet up. Perhaps at Gringotts? My parents are taking me there later to get my supplies as well! See you at 2?



Attaching the parchment to the owl, I grinned excitedly and watched the owl fly away. I threw open the door of my room and hurried down the stairs to the dining room where my parents were already seated. "Mom! Dad! Sapphire sent me an owl! Can I please meet her at Diagon Alley and get our things together at Gringotts?" They both nodded and told me to get dressed so that we could get our money before we met up. Squealing happily, I ate a quick breakfast and returned to my room where I took a shower. I decided to wear simple Muggle jeans that I had gotten last month and a plain tee shirt with my favorite emerald green robes over them. My heart was jumping against my rib cage as I thought of the delightful prospect of finally getting a wand. Although we were both Purebloods, both our parents decided not to give us our wands until our letters came. I snatched my Hogwarts letter off my desk where it had sat after I had received and read it 2 days ago and tucked it into my pocket. Slipping on my shoes, I met my parents in front of the bricked fireplace and took a pinch of Floo Powder. We went one after the other.

"Diagon Alley!"

"Diagon Alley!"

"Diagon Alley!"

I blinked in the bright sunshine and sighed as I basked in it. Then, my parents led me into Gringotts and we took a mine cart ride at hairpin speed down into the depths underground. My parents passed me a small pouch and told me to take money for supplies and extra for Hogwarts as they withdrew more money. After another ride, I was out of Gringotts. Suddenly, I heard a shout.


Whirling around, I caught sight of Sapphire standing next to Flourish and Blotts. I bid my parents good bye, with a promise to meet them at Ollivander's after we had gotten our wands ourselves and ran to Sapphire's side. We quickly did our shopping and finally stopped at Ollivander's. Trembling with anticipation, we entered together. "Hello? Mr Ollivander!" Sapphire called out into the darkness. An old man with a stooped back emerged and said in a frail voice.

"Hello children, first time at Hogwarts?" We nodded and he turned.

"I'm Mr Ollivander by the way, and you are?" He suddenly said.

"I'm Sapphire Slytherin, and this is my best friend, Erin Greenewood." Sapphire said as Mr Ollivander searched through the numerous thin boxes. He gestured and a measuring tape measure both our held out arms. Snapping his fingers, the tape fell with a clatter and he turned with a thoughtful expression towards both of us and handed Sapphire a wand first "10 inches, black Vinewod. Basilisk Fang Ashes and a snowy owl feather. Wave it." He said, watching her closely. Sapphire waved it and fiery silver sparkles shot out. He turned to me and handed me another one. "8 inches. Willow, Phoenix feather." Waving it, feeling foolish, nothing happened save the pile of boxes next to him shake. "Try this, birch wood, 10 1/2 inches. Cherry and Unicorn hair core." I waved it and silver ribbons streamed out. "Excellent! Seven Galleons each please!" We both paid and left with our wands tucked in our pockets.

Outside, we both met up with our parents and finally bade each other farewell and we Flooed home. At the Greenewood Manor the next day, there was a bustle of excitement as I prepared to leave for Platform 9 3/4. My parents worked at the Ministry and were able to rent out a car to take me to the Platform. I watched my house elf load my trunk into the back of the car. Stepping into the car, I said a quick thank you to my elf and slammed the door. My parents slid in and we drove off. Finally we pulled up before the train station and I hopped off. I kissed my mother and hugged my father farewell and strode in. As I turned, I caught sight of my mother brush a tear off her face. I had heard from my parents how to get in so I searched frantically for the platform but I couldn't see it anywhere. Then, I heard a voice that sounded familiar. "Bye Mum, bye Dad!"

Sapphire! I caught sight of her as she waved goodbye and turned away. Calling out her name, I made my way through the crowd and caught up with her. "Hey!" I told her that I had no idea where we were supposed to go and she tittered. "Come on you," she said and pulled me away. She pointed at the pillar between platforms 9 and 10. Seeing the confused look on my face, she laughed. She grabbed my hand and we ran at the barrier. I shut my eyes and waited for the impact. But it never came. Opening my eyes, I looked around in wonder. Wow! I could see the Hogwarts Express I think was called spouting out scarlet smoke as a conductor called out for the students to board. We heaved our trunks into the back and scrambled up the train.

We scurried up and down the corridors looking for a compartment and finally found one that had a boy and a girl.

"Mind if we join you?" I asked.

"Sure! I'm Hermione Granger." The bushy haired girl replied cheerily.

"I'm Erin Greenewood and this is Sapphire Slytherin."

"I'm Neville Longbottom. Hermione, I think I've lost my toad again." Said the round faced boy, eyes looking downcast. Groaning, Hermione stood and said, "I'll go ask around Neville, you stay here." With that, Hermione stood and left the compartment. We sat down across Neville. Sapphire eagerly asked Neville if he knew any magic. Neville shook his head. "I'm worried though, about Potions. I overheard my Gran say that it was really difficult and that I'd fail." "Cheer up Neville! It shouldn't be that tough," Sapphire said confidently. Just then, a plump old lady wheeling a cart passed by the door. "Anything off the cart dears?" Neville still looked sad and didn't reply but Sapphire and I looked hungrily at the selection and decided to get some of everything to share with Hermione and Neville. Neville glanced up as we both entered, arms laden with sweets.

Dumping everything on the seat, I caught Neville's eye and motioned for him to help himself. "Wow! Thanks guys!" He said, smiling. Hermione suddenly burst into the room.

"Guess who I just met!"


"Harry Potter!"



We were all excited when Hermione told us that Harry was on the train and that we were probably all the same year. Flushed with excitement, Hermione plopped down next to Neville and saw all the candy. "Where'd this all come from?" She asked, a befuddled expression set across her face. "Go on Hermione! Eat up!" We told her. Stammering her thanks, she hesitantly took a small piece called a Chocolate Frog and unwrapped it. "Look! There's a card and the picture is moving! Cool!" She cried. "Muggleborn?" Sapphire asked her curiously. Hermione nodded. "What about you and Erin? I know Neville is a pure blood." I answered for Sapphire. "We are both Pure. Sapphire lives in the Malfoy Manor with Draco. Although they didn't come to school at the same time. Wonder where he is." Hermione suddenly sat up and glanced at the window. "We better change into our robes. I think we're near." She was right. After changing, the conductor announced that we were very near and to get ready to alight. We gave Neville and Hermione some sweets that were leftover and crammed the rest of them into our deep robe pockets with our wands, and then we alighted.

It's a little short but I will be posting more longer chapters in the future!


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