The Party

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I nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise when I saw a dark figure jump out of my fireplace. "Aaah!" I shrieked in surprise, my wand out in an instant. "SAPPHIRE! You scared the living daylights outta me!" I cried. She chuckled softly and pulled of her black cloak and dusted off the soot. "Can't wait to see your outfit!" I squealed. I heard three more whooshes and turned to see Cami, Irissa and Luna. "Hey!" I crowed. I was bubbling with excitement. I told Sapphire to change and so she darted to the bathroom and shut the door. Meanwhile, my friends were admiring my room.

Although my family was in Gryffindor, I had requested to have my wallpapers my favorite color, green. I especially liked emerald or lime green but those were too startling and bright. So I settled for a pale mint shade that made my room feel cozy to me. My bed had a lovely pearl white comforter with matching pillows and blankets and its frame was an oak wood. My mother had wanted me to get a larger room but I wanted it medium sized so it wouldn't be so easy to lose things since I was really forgetful sometimes. Aside from those, I had a brick fireplace with some armchairs and a sofa surrounding it with my bookcase next to it. My desk was pushed to the opposite wall next to my closet. One of my walls was entirely made of glass with a balcony overlooking one side of the garden that wound around the Greenewood Manor.

Sapphire entered the room with her black coat wrapped over her so I couldn't see what she wore underneath. She told me that she was finished so I motioned for Irissa to go. After we all had changed, we showed our clothes off one by one. Luna was a beautiful white dove with feathery white wings that extended to her arms. Sapphire was like a Slytherin Princess, dressed in a silver gown and a green crown on her head. Irissa had a dress that was like a creature who had come out of a volcano, a fiery combination of orange and red matched her own fiery hair. Cami wore a pretty golden dress with angel wings attached to it. I showed off my dress which was a lot shorter than theirs, only coming down to my knees, making me look like a pixie or a fairy and I had left my marshmallow brown hair down and placed the tiara on my head. I realized that my mother must have enchanted the wings as every now and then, they would flutter as I walked.

I told them to wait and stepped out of the room. "MOOOOOOOM!" I shouted. My mother poked her head through the railings at the bottom of the stairs, her finger on her lips. "Yes?" She asked. "We are gonna go to Sapphire's room first okay?" I told her. Nodding her head, she flashed a thumbs up and left. I entered my room and grabbed a small ceramic pot with swirling designs on it and took a pinch of Floo powder from it before passing it to everyone else. I told Sapphire to go first, followed by Irissa, Cami and then Luna. I snatched my small bag that had my important things in it and went last, "Sapphire's room, Malfoy Manor!" I cried, repeating what the others had said. And then I vanished.

I tucked my elbows in and zoomed forward. The Floo was a fun way to travel for me cause it reminded me somehow of flying on a broom. I caught sight of Luna's feathered wings and tumbled out next to her. Dusting off the soot, I looked around at Sapphire's room. It was a pretty silvery color but I knew she really liked the color blue too. While the ceiling and floor sparkled with silver, her bedspread was a navy blue that went surprisingly well with it. Part of her wall was glass windows similar to mine. I could see the sun already beginning to set, taking with it, the last of the day's light. Sapphire's room had a sort of telescope and she used it to scout out her door. "I can see them! The ballroom is filling up so fast!" We were all buzzing with excitement. "Mother told me to bring you guys in after Draco brings his friends in." Sapphire announced, her eyes still glued to the telescope.

"Why do you have a telescope?" Luna asked.
"Just for today so that I can watch for Draco. He didn't invite Harry for some reason, I think its cause of Father." Sapphire replied absently as she searched for Draco's platinum hair. "I think....... LOOK! It's him! He's walking down the hall with his friends! I think that's Blaise and.. Theodore!" She shrieked, almost breaking my ears as I stood closely next to her. She stood up, straightened her tiara and grabbed my hand. "Let's go!" She cried. She led us down the stairs and we charged down the halls in the most unladylike manner til we reached the large doors. Sapphire looked eagerly at us and together, we entered.

It was beautiful. The creme walls were draped with pretty cloths and there was a huge chandelier hanging on the tall ceiling. I peered around inn wonder. It was enchanting. Some guests were chatting quietly next to the chocolate fountain and others were seated at the little tables scattered across the floor. I could see some people dressed up as ghosts, vampires, even as animals like cats. Sapphire dragged us to a table near the dance floor and sat us down. We all settled down and we were given little glasses of punch. Sapphire was talking animatedly and took a sip of her punch when a pale hand clasped her shoulder. She gasped and whirled around. Draco was behind her, dressed almost as a perfect match to Sapphire. He held out his hand as Sapphire gazed into his liquid silver orbs. "Can I.. I mean.. Would.. Would you like to dance Sapphire?" He stammered.

Oooooooohhh. I shot her a glance and saw that she was blushing madly. I watched as she took his hand and they disappeared to the strangely empty dance floor. I was glad, but I'll admit it, I was a bit jealous. I wanted someone to dance with too. Looking around the table, I could tell that the others wished that too. I mean, who wouldn't want a nice gentle boy to invite you to dance with him? I watched as multiple silver trays laden with small glass cups of a liquid hover around and serve the guests. I plucked a glass and so did everyone at the table and they drank together. I had always been a bit paranoid about what went in my mouth so I delicately sniffed the contents before identifying it as Butterbeer. I had only had a Butterbeer twice before as my parents were fairly strict so I eagerly raised it higher and higher to my mouth. Before I could drink, I heard a loud thud and glanced up in horror.

Everyone at my table, no, not only mine but everyone else's too had slumped forward and lay unconscious at the tables. The drink! It must've been a Potion or something! I threw the glass down the table where it shattered with a musical tinkle. Jumping from my chair, I looked everywhere and to my terror, almost everyone was unconscious except for Draco and Sapphire, both of whom were staring wide eyed at the terrifying scene. I glanced up and saw a dark shadow at the top dome that let in natural light on the ceiling. "Guys! Get down!" I screamed before I dove under the table. Not a moment too soon as the figure raised his wand and fired a curse that destroyed the glass and the intruder tossed a rope down and slipped inside. What was happening? I felt a tap on my leg and nearly screamed before realizing that it was only Draco and Sapphire. Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me after him.

We crawled under a table as we listened to the figure shout, followed by more heaving sounds as more people slipped inside. "Get them! There were three kids!" Draco froze and turned to me and said in a voice softer than the wind. "There's a trapdoor under the next table but we can't get across without being seen!" I stopped and mentally slapped myself. I stopped Sapphire and reaching into my bag, I pulled out my cloak that my parents had enchanted to make me invisible. I threw it over all three of us and we huddled together as we inched to the other table. Under the table, Draco struggled with the heavy looking trapdoor as Sapphire and I listened carefully for any signs that they were coming closer. "Hurry!" Sapphire hissed as stamping footsteps stormed towards us. "Come on!" Draco gasped, finally opening the trapdoor. I stepped down but Draco shoved me hard and I slid down. I realized it was a slide as I heard Draco shut the door with a thud and shoved Sapphire down, before pushing off himself.

Ⓢⓞⓡⓡⓨ ⓘⓣ ⓣⓞⓞⓚ ⓢⓞ ⓛⓞⓝⓖ ⓣⓞ ⓤⓟⓓⓐⓣⓔ ⓒⓐⓤⓢⓔ Ⓘ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ ⓡⓔⓒⓞⓥⓔⓡⓔⓓ ⓐⓝⓓ Ⓘ ⓗⓐⓥⓔ ⓐ ⓛⓞⓣ ⓞⓕ ⓣⓗⓘⓝⓖⓢ ⓣⓞ ⓓⓞ! Ⓘ ⓦⓘⓛⓛ ⓣⓡⓨ ⓐⓝⓓ ⓟⓞⓢⓣ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ. {E🍀}

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