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Sunlight streamed through the windows at the end of the room and I shot up. Finally! Throwing on clothes after a shower, I ran down to the Great Hall where I saw it half full already, 75% of them were first years eagerly waiting for Post to arrive. Despite the delicious food, I couldn't concentrate on it and occasionally glanced up to listen for the fluttering of wings. When it finally came, I was one of the many eager faces that popped up to search for a familiar owl. Squinting, I searched frantically for my caramel colored owl and suddenly, it swooped down in front of me with a long, thin package , being carried by another much larger eagle that I recognized as my father's. Yes!!!!

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco, Sapphire and Irissa seated across from me at the table tear open a small card or letter from their parents, knowing better than to open their broomsticks at the table, their glee evident on their face.

I pulled open my own and read.

Dear Erin,

Your mom and I have gotten you a Nimbus Two Thousand One, the latest one. Be careful during tryouts and good luck! I hope that you get in Erin! You'd make a great Seeker. Your mother was one too. Have fun with it!

Much love,


I could not keep the smile that spread across my face from gracing my features as I felt the slim handle of the broomstick. Madam Hooch announced that Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tryouts would be tomorrow and the Slytherin and Ravenclaw would be the day after that, Friday. Classes flew by in a flash and before I knew it, it was the next day, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tryouts.

I joined the eager crowd jog to the Quidditch Field and grabbed seats next to Sapphire, who was animatedly chatting to the orange haired girl, Irissa. Deciding not to interrupt them, I turned to the field and observed the Quidditch field. The Hufflepuff tryouts were first, but it flashed by quickly as there were not much people who wanted to get in the team. It was a different story for Gryffindor however.

Almost the entire bleachers minus those not trying out was full of eager Gryffindors vying for the only spot on the team left. The Gryffindor Team Captain, Oliver Wood, sized everyone up careful and hand picked a dozen of the most promising athletes to save time. Those not chosen were mad but they knew that they couldn't change the rules set by the Captain and left, looking as though Christmas had been cancelled.

Oliver called out names and one by one, people came and left, having been rejected by Oliver until there was only one left. By then, Oliver Wood was cursing under his breath as one of his team players was leaving this year and he needed a replacement fast. He called the last name on the list. "CAMI OWLCASTLE," he shouted and immediately, a girl stepped forward and Oliver told her that she would have to fly around the field, avoiding Bludgers, without Beaters to help, and to score 5 times. I squinted and saw determination etched onto her face as she mounted the broom and nodded at Oliver who released the Bludgers. Almost faster than I could watch, she zoomed across the field with the Quaffle in her hand and lobbed it through the goal before Oliver could block it. She dodged the Bludgers that hurtled towards her and she wove between them and scored easily. In a matter of minutes, she had scored 3 more times and I saw two red headed twins shoot fire out of their wands in happiness. I could hear them shouting, "YES!!"

I tossed and turned in my bed, thinking worriedly about the try outs. What if I fall off my broom? What if I embarrass myself? After a long time, I fell into a restless uneasy doze.

After classes, I trudged onto the field clutching my broomstick. The field was relatively empty as I had arrived much earlier so I clambered onto my broom and zoomed off, looping around to shake of my nervousness. A whistle blew from lower down, signaling the beginning of the tryouts so I quickly landed and sat down next to Irissa. Striking up a conversation, I asked her what position she wanted and she replied, "Beater." She was skinny and I wasn't sure how she could beat anything away. I knew Sapphire wanted to be a Seeker. Slytherin went first and out of the many participants, it was narrowed to 5 people. Draco, Sapphire, Irissa, a boy with blond hair and a boy with black hair.

They now had to race across obstacles that the Slytherin Captain, Marcus Flint had constructed with a flick of his wand. Obviously, Flint was aiming for speed and agility over skill. Cheering loudly for Sapphire in particular, I watched, horror struck as Draco smacked into a floating rock and fell down with nothing preventing his fall. No one paid attention to the pale boy as they watched the remaining fly across the course. I cried the first spell that came to mind, the most recent one Professor Flitwick had taught us. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Aiming for his broomstick which he barely was able to keep a hold on, the broomstick hovered inches from the ground before he collapsed onto the ground. I barely heard the cheers and boos of the crowd as I waved my arms frantically to get Sapphire's attention. From the boys' dejected faces, I gathered that Irissa and Sapphire had won. Sapphire glanced up at me and I pointed wildly at Draco's limp figure. Nodding vigorously, she bolted across the field after receiving the OK from Flint that confirmed her place in the team to Draco. She carried Draco with Irissa's help out of sight, presumably to Madam Pomfrey.

Few Ravenclaws wanted the places available, I counted exactly 7 who hastened down the steps at Cho's whistle. She smiled warmly at me and then said to the crowd, "Each of you will have to take your chosen position and you will compete with the current House team. We will play 7 games, so everyone will have the chance to play all positions or less if one person plays the best, we will tell you when the time comes." We gathered together to decide positions and I immediately chose the Seeker and everyone else scrambled to get their chosen spot. On Cho's whistle, we kicked off. I soared high against the sky, my eyes wide open as I searched for the Snitch. Cho suddenly did a nosedive down and thinking she had seen the Snitch, I zoomed after her. Meters from the ground, she suddenly pulled up. Not understanding what had happened, I too pulled up in the nick of time. She blew the whistle and everyone landed. Cho looked at me and pulled me next to her. "She's on the team, replacing me as Seeker. I myself will take Chaser as our current one is leaving this year. Very few people can do the Wronski Feint but even less people can pull out in time. It requires speed, agility, vigilance and a quick mind. Welcome to the team Erin Greenewood." Those words were the best I had ever heard. "Welcome to the Team." The words repeated over and over like a broken recorder as the team congratulated me. I was drowning in my glory.

|It is a little hard to believe but I though that this would make it more interesting for my perspective. I am posting more chapters later!| {E🍀}

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