The Outfit

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I sent it with my owl and plunked down on my bed. My mind raced with ideas but none seemed good. Devil? Weirdo. Something Muggle? Seems even crazier. I knew Draco and his family pretty much despised Muggles. I walked to my closet and threw its doors open. I rummaged through them, running my fingers through all the different clothes. My house elf arranged them by colors so it looked just like a little rainbow. Red, yellow... Which should I wear? I pulled some hangers out and held some of them up. Hmm. I found a sky blue dress but it wasn't really Halloween. Frustrated, I shoved all the clothes back inside and stomped down. I was getting agitated and worried. What if I didn't get anything to wear? What if I can't go?

My mother watched me pacing back and forth and smiled. "Erin dear, do stop that. I'll take care of it alright? I'll leave it on your bed later on so you can prepare for tomorrow when you go over to Malfoy Manor. I talked to Sapphire's mother and she said that she'd let your other friends know." Nodding my thanks, I pounded up the stairs to my room and twirled around the room. I couldn't find my mother but I didn't ponder it. I settled down on my favorite armchair and read one of my favorites, Tales of Beedle the Bard. Time flew and the sun was slowly setting. I looked up through the window and saw an orange smudge casting pinkish hues. It was a beautiful sunset.

My mother suddenly came into the room with a small paper bag. "Here Erin, I hope you like it." She said with a sweet smile. I slowly unwrapped it and I gasped.

A mass of silvery fabric tumbled out. I gently lifted the biggest lump and caught my breath. It was a gossamer pale peppermint shade that shimmered, catching the light as I twirled it around. I felt its behind and noticed the feathery light wings, shaped like butterfly's. The wings were adorned with small four leafed clovers and it came with a small wreath of flowers, moulded into a tiara like object. "Oh my." I breathed. It was lovely. I couldn't speak. I ran into my mother's arms and whispered thank you. "I found some letters addressed to you. Accio letters to Erin!"

Four similar sized letters zoomed into the room and stacked themselves on my bed. My mother told me that dinner was in twenty minutes and she left. I snatched the letters up and read them. Yes! They all agreed and would be coming in after lunch. I folded my outfit and hid it in my closet and hurried downstairs for dinner. After dinner I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep, dreaming about the others' outfits.

When I woke, I yawned and shuffled out of bed. Suddenly remembering the day's events planned, I dashed to the bathroom and took a shower. I changed into a simple tee and shorts and hurried to breakfast after shoving my wand into the pocket Over breakfast, my parents were talking about something at the Ministry. They both were Aurors. According to them, there was an argument earlier this week that resulted in some Aurors storming off. There were worries that they might have joined up with Voldermort. Who was believed to be recruiting an army.

I soon put it out of my mind when my parents changed the subject and began talking about the party. "Oh mom and dad! I've never asked you, what are you guys dressing up as? You guys have to dress up as something!" I shrieked. To my annoyance, my mother merely smiled mysteriously. "Come on!" I said indignantly but they both refused to speak. "Just wait and see." They said so I disappeared to my room. I decided to try and tidy up my room as best as I could. I swept up my schoolbooks and dropped them into my trunk before slamming it down. I heard a soft thud on my window and whirled around. My owl, Toffee was flying outside my window. I quickly let him in and shut him inside his large golden cage. Hooting happily, he drank the fresh water as I poked some owl treats inside the cage. I leaned down and hauled my robes off the floor and dumped them inside the laundry chute that sent the clothes straight to the house elves. Suddenly... WHOOOSH!

|Sorry it's a little short. I've been sick. {E🍀}

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