The Game and Invite

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"I got on as Seeker!" I squealed to Sapphire the next day which was a Saturday. Tryouts flashed by in a blur the previous day after I was chosen cause I was over the moon and couldn't concentrate at all. Before I went to bed, I sent my mom a letter telling her about the recent events. After breakfast, Sapphire and I hurried to Madam Pomfrey to check on Draco and to make sure he was alright. Next to me, I heard Sapphire's sigh of relief when we entered the room and saw Draco sitting up. He looked startled but otherwise alright. "He's lucky. I'd like to shake the hand of the person who saved you because that person very well saved your life! When you're ready Mr Malfoy, you may leave." Madam Pomfrey said. Draco changed and we followed him through the corridors to Slytherin Common Room.

"Wow, I really want to know who saved me. Reckon you know who it was?" Draco asked us. Muttering loud enough for him to hear, "I did 'Wingardium Leviosa' on your broom to slow your fall." Draco's head snapped up and looked at me with the gratitude evident in his shining silver eyes. "Oh thank you so much! Can I do anything to help you?" He said. Shaking my head, I bade them goodbye and turned. Not, however before I saw Draco grin at Sapphire. Laughing quietly to myself, I wondered what would happen if they both did like each other and returned to my dormitory. I finished my homework as soon as possible and was packing up when an idea caught fire in my mind. Pulling out my broomstick, I thumped down to Professor Flitwick's office and asked for permission to practice flying and to my delight, he agreed.

I ran to the Slytherin Dormitory and asked Sapphire and Irissa to follow me as Draco couldn't to practice at the field. When we reached the field, I saw a scarlet figure flying high against the sky. Wondering who it was, I kicked off and soared up to see who it was. "Cami?" I called.

"Hi! Who are you?"

"Erin Greenewood! I wanted to congratulate you on getting onto the team!"

I saw her grin and she beckoned me down. Sweeping over the trees, she leaned down and pulled an apple and turned to face me. "Catch it!" She hollered. She lobbed it high in the air and I caught it. We decided to go and meet with Sapphire and Irissa to play a makeshift game of Quidditch with the apple.

Time flew and soon, lunchtime drew close so we trundled down to the Hall to eat. We were tired so we bid each other goodbye and we separated. I wandered to the library and sniffed the earthly smell of parchment and paper. For some reason, it always seemed to relax me and today was no exception. I strolled about and plucked one of my favorite books,Quidditch Through the Ages. Losing myself in the book, I sat down on one of the comfy armchairs that surrounded the bookshelves. I was engrossed in the book that I didn't hear the soft murmur of voices next to me until I saw a frighteningly large boy about 2 years older than me from Slytherin wander about nearby.

Knowing that no Slytherin came to the library to read, I was immediately put on guard. However, I wasn't foolish to let him catch on that I realized that he was there so I continued to stare at the words on the page, watching the boy come closer. I realized that Madam Pince was not in sight from where I sat so I casually glanced at my watch and slammed the book shut. Before I could make it out the library, a burly hand shot out and grabbed the end of my robes. I frantically kicked at his face and hands but to no avail. My wand clattered out and I lunged for it. Grasping the familiar wooden grip, I pointed it at him to find that he had his pointed at me. I was worried sick and my mind was blank. Should I run? No, he'll fire a spell. I can't fight back. I don't know any attacking curses. But I did know of one charm that I saw my mother use when my father demonstrated to me a spell that had nearly set the house on fire. My mother had jumped in front of me and shouted "Protego!" Before my father quickly followed by shouting "Aguamenti!" to put out the fire.

Making a split second decision, I shouted "Protego!" Even if I hadn't cast it correctly, hopefully, he would be startled enough for me to get away. Call me dumb but I couldn't resist by throwing the first thing that came to hand. Which happened to be a book. I threw it at his head but he caught it. Now he was mad. Whoops. Turning on heel, I sprinted down the hall and threw open the nearest door, which was thankfully, where Professor McGonagall was. "Professor!" I cried. She looked alarmed at the sight of my disheveled hair and said in a stern voice, "Ms Greenewood, what are you..." She trailed off when she saw the boy barrel into the room. I blurted out everything in a bumble of words and she glared at the boy. "Come with me. I will take 25 points from Slytherin, not including those Professor Snape will surely take away. You ought to be ashamed of yourself." The last thing I saw before running to my dorm was the boy being led away.

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