At the Ministry of Magic

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Oof! I landed on soft cushions and stood quickly. I was surprised to see a bunch of toys, gadgets and a pile of rubbish in one corner. I looked at Draco with a questioning look before he launched into explanation. "I used to come here as a hideout from my father when he was mad. He never knew this existed. My mother built it for me. Look, that vent leads outside. We have to go out. Where to though?" "Anywhere! As long as we get word to the Ministry, the Ministry! It isn't too far from here! Come on!" I shrieked. Draco nodded vigorously and ran to the rubbish and began rummaging through it. What on Earth are you doing? I was about to shout when he pulled three broomsticks out and tossed one to each of us. He beckoned to us and pulled the vent open. He motioned for me to get on the broom but I wasn't sure that I would fit through that small hole but he shoved me inside. It must've had an Undetectable Extension Charm on it! No time to marvel, I scolded myself and jumped onto the broom. I kicked off and darted upwards where I could see a small opening far beyond like chimney.

I emerged, coughing from the sooty air I kicked up as I soared out. Sapphire and Draco zoomed out next to me. I pointed to the direction of the Ministry, which was marked by a large spotlight with MOM on it. We dashed as fast as the brooms could go to the roof of the Ministry. "There's a shield on it! we have to land!" Sapphire shouted so we landed and charged into the Atrium. My mother had brought me here before to help so I knew where to go and what to do. I looked around and realized that the nearest office was Arthur Weasley's. I barreled into his office and shouted. "Mr Weasley!" I cried. I knew that he had children at Hogwarts but I never realized who they were but my mother had sent me to Arthur Weasley to pass a message to him so I was fairly familiar with his face. "Please..." Suddenly, the door to his office burst open once more and a tall wizard stood in the doorway. "What is the meaning of this Arthur!?" He bellowed.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Sapphire cried. "Ms Slytherin, Mr Malfoy and.. Ms Greenewood. What brings all of you here?" He said. I rattled off the events and he looked very worried. "Oh dear." Was all he said before turning and strolling out the door. "Mr Weasley, keep them here while I go alert the Aurors." Mr Weasley nodded tersely and looked at us. "Hello children." He looked us in the eye but looked more icily at Draco and Draco full out glared at him. I knew that they didn't really like each other due to Draco's belief about the whole only-Pure-Bloods-can-walk-this-world. Really, Draco was so exasperating sometimes. Mr Weasley Summoned some chairs and beckoned for us to sit. "Will everyone there be alright?" I asked, unable to stand it. He shook his head, and replied. "It's hard to tell now but they might." That was a pleasant thought. Sapphire looked traumatized and had tears pooling in her eyes. I was tearing up slightly too but I refused to let them spill. We sat in silence with only Mr Weasley's mantel clock's ticking breaking the silence.

Suddenly, we heard a knock at the door and I jumped out of the chair to answer it. Professor Dumbledore stood at the doorway, looking as though he'd battled an army. I opened my mouth to fire off all my questions but he beat me to it. "It's alright. They're all alright. The intruders ransacked the house looking for something and," he sighed. "It looks like they'd gotten it." Relief flooded through me. My parents were okay! Sapphire and Draco shared the same elated look on our faces. "Thank you Mr Weasley and Professor Dumbledore! Where are our parents though, I'd like to see them." I said, barely able to keep from shouting. "They're at the sick bay on the Second Level." He replied. Draco, Sapphire and I charged into the elevator and punched the button for the Second Level. "I didn't even know the Ministry had a sick bay." Draco mused. "Second Level." A pleasant female voice announced. We hurried out and navigated to the Sick Bay.

"Mom! Dad!" I cried as I barreled into the Bay. I ran to their bedsides and looked at them. Fortunately, they had escaped unscathed and the nurse on duty released them immediately after a checkup. I couldn't find Sapphire or Draco so I decided to just owl them. Grasping my mother's hand, she turned on the spot and we Disapparated. My parents had only Disapparated with me once before and I didn't like it at all. It made me queasy. My feet hit the grass of Greenewood Manor's garden and I straightened.

|So sorry I took forever to update. Happy Holidays everyone and a great year ahead! {E🍀}|

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