Chapter 5

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Christine and Oakley hug in joy as they have found love. But AJ has seen a dead person just smile at him. He rubs his eyes and sees that nothing is there. But he knows what he saw, He knows 1x1x1x1, is back. Oakley and christine come out of the room. "AJ, Were engaged!" yelled Oakley. "Good job brother and christine ya picked a good guy" exclaimed AJ. They all laughed. [THE NEXT DAY] AJ wakes up and walks into the living room. DING DONG. He answers the door to see a little college boy smiling. "Hello! my name is kyle and I am going to peoples door to ask for their vote on whether or not we should rebuild the factory!" exclaimed kyle. AJ was shocked. "The game factory?" Asked AJ. "Thats the one!" said kyle. 3 years later and it might be back. "Let me get my brother real quick" said AJ. He ran to the room and woke up Oakley and told him to follow him. Oakley mad, yet curious followed AJ. "This young fellow would like to ask for our vote on the opening of the factory. The game factory. That made you famous." said AJ. Kyle dropped his binder. "Wait.... Are you Oakley?!" yelled Kyle. "Oh gosh... yes thats me what do you want?" asked Oakley. "Im such a huge fan I have al-" before kyle finished a scream was heard followed by "GET HIM!"! Oakley and AJ pushed kyle and saw a person running out of a bank with a purse. "Alright... Lets do this..." said Oakley. AJ and Oakley ran to the person and didnt give up. Oakley reached in his pocket for a tazer but of course its at home. The person was spotted pulling a gun out of his pocket and that did it. The person got far enough to turn around and aim the gun at Oakley and AJ. "You let me go and I wont shoot you.." said the mysterious person. Oakley and AJ thought. Right before they were gonna say their choice the person fell. behind was christine with a needle. "Ya gotta be a lady!" exclaimed Christine. Releif went down AJ and Oakleys spine. "Alright bro lets see who you really are.." said AJ. He took off the persons mask. It was a black woman with short hair and lots of eyeliner. "There ya got me.. Happy? You son of a.." she got cut off by Christines foot. "Whats you're name?" asked Chrstine in a angry tone. "I am Debra mancuer.." said Debra. DEBRA. M-A-N-C-U-E-R. "Is you're dad Harrold Mancuer? old owner of the game factory?" asked Oakley. "Yes he is. I have been trying to find him forever. Everyone said he died but I choose not to belive it" exclaimed Debra. Oakley felt bad. "Hes dead Debra.." Said AJ. "You too? Thats it!" Yelled Debra. She flew up with purple mist following from her. Oakley saw that same thing with Harrold. "I choose too not follow anyones orders! I will be the popular one and I WILL FIND MY DAD!" Yelled debra. She threw a fireball at the nearbye high school. All people ran out. She turned around and threw a fireball at the apartments. It fell to the ground. The SWATT came in with guns. "FIRE!" yelled the cheif. Gun shots were flying left and right. Oakley, AJ and Christine ducked down behind a staircase. The gunshots werent doing anything. Oakley tried to tell the Swatt team that you had to knock her out not gun shots but the cheif shooed him away. "Ok, no more fun time.." said Christine. She ran to the fire department and grabbed a fire truck and started driving it. "Hey thats special red!" yelled a firemen. Christine pulled a sharp piece of the fire truck and sped up. She was aiming for a ramp. Debra spotted christine and dropped a rock on the ramp crushing it. "BLOX!" yelled Christine in anger. She pulled over behind a building. She looked behind her and saw FBI,CIA,COPS,and The government all with guns and bombs. They werent realizing it wasnt working. She had an idea to push the sharp piece to debra by placing it on the strong hose and water will bring it up. She tried it. "HERE WE GO!" yelled Christine. It hit debra but she didnt notice. Debra got more angry and grew bigger and bigger. Christine saw AJ and Oakley running towards her. "DUCK DOWN!" Yelled Oakley. Christine was confused. Until she saw hackers and hackers chase them. "You use this second hose to get the hackers, I'll work on Debra.." Said Christine. AJ and Oakley were spraying the hackers sending them back. Then one smart hacker hacked the water to be strength potion and they were all stronger and became faster. Meanwhile, Christine took a big piece of the fire truck and shot it with the hose. One other smart hacker saw it and hacked it to make it a strength potion. "What are we gonna do!" yelled Christine. Oakley and AJ were fighting with fists but it was no match for the hackers. They brought AJ and Oakley up aswell as Christine. They vanished. "Boss is gonna be so happy!" exclaimed One hacker. They all laughed and waved to Debra. Debra waved and took out all of the attackers. She went back to normal size and they all vanished.

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