Chapter 8

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Are you ready? "Come on TIMEY!" yelled Oakley. 1x1x1x appeared. He looks down to see a big army with lots of weapons. Then he sees Debra with the ban hammer. He thinks hard.. He runs to somebodys house and goes on their computer. "CHASE HIM!" yelled AJ. They all ran after 1x1x1x. Vixten grabbed a teddy bear that was a grenade in disguise and threw it in the middle of the crowd. To fell on someones head. He forgot to pull the lever. The army did that and threw it at the building Vixten was standing on. It blew up and it was going down. "Come on please just fly!" said Vixten. He was trying to fly but It wasnt working. 1x1x1x quickly went on a program and re-uploaded all the hacks that were deleted. So while Vixten was falling he started floating! "It worked! Alright step back before one of you guys gets hurt!" yelled Vixten. No one listened. Vixten slapped his knee. 1x1x1x1x came out of the house flying and flew towards Robloxias famous Lab. The crew chased him but they needed to go faster. "Christine I need you to take the diamond of the ring I gave you." Yelled Oakley. "But its beautiful!" said Christine. "Just do it!" said Oakley. Christine nodded and ripped the diamond off the ring. A giant rocket flew out of it! Oakley latched on to it and was flying towards the Lab. He jumped off the rocket and landed infront of the Lab. He ran in ready to fight. However 1x1x1x was smart, He spilled acid on the ground so Oakley couldnt get through. He saw the rack that were holding the potions. It was slowly buring so he jumped on it to get to the other side. He ran up some stairs to see 1x1x1x and a giant portal behind him. "Hello Oakley.." said 1x1x1x. Oakley ran right up to 1x1x1x and threw a big punch. 1x1x1x dodged and threw Oakley on the ground. "You think after all this a simple punch will work? Why do you even bother trying to stop me! Think about it.. When I kidnapped Christine I didnt want you to come save her and I thought you wouldnt because you only just met her. But it seems like you had a crush on her and risked you AND you're brothers life just to save a girl? You had no play in that plan. You dont even need to stop me from this plan because I didnt plan to just destroy you.. It was everybody!" yelled 1x1x1x. "That girl you mentioned is very beautiful and is now my wife. Plus Im the towns hero and I will stop at no cause to protect my town from evil" said Oakley. "The world dosnt care about you any more Oakley! Its just oders like your're self and roleplayers in this community! Its for the greater good to end roblox! But you ruined my plan and got all my slaves to help you. But it dosnt matter.. Because infact I didnt just plan to end Robloxia.. I SAID ROBLOX! This entire game earth will be destroyed! When roblox sees this he will just end roblox the game! My plan is perfect!" exclaimed 1x1x1x1. "You realize you'll just kill you're self if you do this.." said Oakley. "Oh its worth it to see mortal enemys be destroyed..." said 1x1x1x1. 1x1x1x1 grabbed Oakley and threw him in the portal. "HACKERS NOW!" yelled 1x1x1x. He pressed a button and set hackers all around roblox. He laughed as it has finally worked. The crew outside is trying to get in but 1x1x1x was able to enter one hack other then himself and Vixten. He closed the doors when Oakley came in. "I hope hes ok in there.." said Christine. "Oh he'll be ok! But you wont! Wait.. I mean he wont either.. I mean.. UGH! It dosnt matter, you're gonna die right now anyways.." said Vixten. Debra threw her ban hammer at Vixten. His fast reflexes grabbed it. "Oh this is nice!" exclaimed Vixten. "No!" yelled Debra. Thoughts ran through Debras mind. Was my das right? Am I useless? "VIXTEN! Ban me.. Leave my friends.. They dont derserve it." Said Debra. "No.. Please dont do this Debra. You're like family.." said AJ. Debra nodded to Vixten. The ban hammer went flying in the air to debra. It hit her. She smiled. Banned... "Well my job here is done!" said Vixten flying away. While Vixten was flying he thought, if this works hes dead! "Oh no! IM GONNA DIE! But banland people wont.. Should I... UGH!" yelled Vixten. He banned himself. "Welp now Im in banland..." sighed Vixten. "I EAT CELL MATES" said a inmate next to Vixten. "AHHHHHH" yelled Vixten. Oakley was flying through a colorful portal. He is screaming before landing inside this robot building. There was scientests everywhere trying new things. Oakley is confused. "Oh hello are you the new test subject?" asked one docter. "Oh uh.. no! Some evil dude sent me in here.. Im very confused" said Oakley. "Oh ok.. tell me all about it.." said the docter pulling up two chairs. Oakley went on about the fight 3 years ago and then whats happening now. "I see.. Well heres the thing I can do.. I have a time machine named Hyperdrive that can take you back in time to get to this 1x1x1- such a long name person to end him so when you go back in to normal time it will be like nothing happened!" asked the docter. "Alright, as long as it wont kill me!" said Oakley. The docter laughed. They walked through many cool inventions like a robot assiantant that looked like R2-D2, A giant robot suit, and a ban gun! The docter took Oakley to a secret room which had hyperdrive in it. "Just step in and get ready to save you're town!" said the docter. Oakley felt a bump. then he was sent left to right up and down he went everywhere! It seemed like he was at those carnival rides that you have to be a certain height for and he snuck on when he was short. Finally it stopped and he stepped out to be in the manison. He was expecting the robot but it wasnt there! He went inside and saw no slaves! But there were computers. "Hes waiting for them to get here so they can work.." said Oakley. He rushed up the stairs and saw an office getting made. 1x1x1x was talking to a carpenter about the design. Vixten was there too as well as Harrold Mancuer. He had to kill them. He went back down to plan this through. "Ok, I'll beat up a carpenter and change into his clothes, then I'll Talk to Timey about the design just likes hes doing right now, after that I'll ban harrold and Vixten. I would ban Timey but he has too many hacks so I'll.." Oakley was cut off by Vixten and Harrold Mancuer walking down the stairs. "Cool design huh?" said Harrold. "Oh yeah" said Vixten. Oakley had to hurry up. He knocked down Harrold and Vixten. He thought screw being a carpenter. He ran up so quick to grab a ban hammer and banning Vixten and harrold without 1x1x1x noticing. "How do I get Timey.." thought Oakley. He knew what to do! He ran up the stairs and punched 1x1x1x out of the window. Oakley grabbed his sweater and prayed that he'd glide. He jumped off and fell on the ground while he glided. He grabbed 1x1x1x and threw him in hyperdrive. Then he jumped in. They felt a bump. "What are you doing here Oakley!" yelled 1x1x1x." Im here to end you!" yelled Oakley. Left to right up and down. When they got to current time they were in the lab. There 1x1x1x was having a glass of wine. He turned around and saw Oakley and himself! "What is going on here?" Yelled 1x1x1x. "You're... Uhhh... Both of you guys regin of evil is over! Prepare to be time hit!" yelled Oakley. Oakley rushed at the 1x1x1x with wine. 1x1x1x ran after 1x1x1x and Oakley. "Both of you need to get in the time machine!" yelled Oakley. 1x1x1x and 1x1x1 were fighting each other in a epic fight. When they didnt know it Oakley grabbed them and threw them in the time machine. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" yelled 1x1x1x1. "GOODBYE FOREVER!" yelled Oakley. Oakley sent them to Ancient Egypt. Then he felt werid. A big wave came and hit him. The portal was gone. All the wine on the ground. Gone. He walked down the stairs. No acid. He walked out. No army. Everyone was just peaceful. Living life. " I won... I SAVED ROBLOXIA! And even better.. I SAVED ROBLOX!" yelled Oakley in Joy! Christine came up to him. "There you are! We have a wedding to get too!" said Christine. "Whos?" said Oakley. "OURS!" said Christine. [WEDDING] "Do you take Oakley as you're in game husband?" asked the pastor. "I do" said Christine. "Do you take Christine as you're in game wife?" asked the pastor. "I do" said Oakley. "You may kiss the robloxian." said the pastor. They kissed. The world was now complete. Then AJ ran in the hall. " OAKLEY! I GOT A JOB!" yelled AJ


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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