Chapter 7

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As there walking up to it a robot pops out. "ZZZ-WHAT-ZZZ-IS-ZZZ-THE-ZZZ-PASSWORD-ZZZ" asked the werid robot. There ears were ringing because of the noise of the static. They thought hard. "is the Password Password?" asked Oakley. The robot froze. A little antena popped out of its head. Volts of energey was seen getting started in one antena and then both before it connected energey and the door opened. "ZZZ-WELCOME-ZZZ-1X1X1x-ZZZ"Said the werid robot. "Oh no..." said AJ. "I knew it" mumbled AJ. Oakley got a gun out of christines pocket and filled it up. "Hes not dead.." said Oakley. All 3 walked in and saw many slaves on computers making hacks and uploading them. "Oh my blox.. This is a hack factory! And 1x1x1x is the owner!" said Christine. Oakley went up to one of the slaves. " How long have you been doing this for?" asked Oakley. "FOREVER! I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS AND THEY THINK IM DEAD! I DONT WANNA BE A SLAVE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" yelled one of the slaves. Oakley nodded. He asked the slave to get up and he pushed his chair to the middle of the room. He stood on it. "You guys are free! delete all the hacks you've ever uploaded and just leave! go back to a normal life!" yelled Oakley. They deleted everything and cheered. They ran out. " Wait a second.. This is just the Void!" exclaimed One of the slaves. "Oh right.. Uh.. Oh! Why dont you guys join us to be a epic team of fighting robloxians!" yelled Oakley. They all cheered and followed Oakley up the stairs. There was floors of slaves and oakley told them all the same thing. Soon they got a team of over 100 robloxians! [HEAD OFFICE] "Sir.. We are trying to hack but its not working! We have lost them!" said one hacker. "The slaves are probaly trying to escape.. Lets check the camera.." Said ????. He turned on the camera and saw Oakley,AJ, The Slaves, and Christine all cheering. "Oh! We have some vistors. How nice... Hey Debra, why dont you fetch us some intruders hey?" asked ????. Debra mancuer nodded. She tried to get her hacks ready but they werent working. "Sir.. Its not working.. I need a weapon!" said Debra. ???? nodded. He handed her a ban hammer. "Be careful.. These things are highly dangerous.." said ????. Debra nodded and raced down the stairs to meet the gang. "Hello old friends! wanna play a game?" said Debra spinning the ban hammer around. Oakley didnt know what to do.. He was scared! "Stop wasting time you idiot!" yelled Mr.Mancuer. He took the ban hammer and yelled at Debra. "You're the most useless daughter Ive ever had! I HATE YOU!" yelled Harrold Mancuer. Debra saw her dad staring at her. "No.." said Debra. She took the ban hammer out of Harrolds hands and hit him with it. "Wait... No No! Oakley dont think you've won! AHHHH" yelled Harrold. Debra turned around facing The gang. "We got a boss to take down" said Debra. "One question! What is the boss trying to do?" said AJ. "Hes trying to provide hacks for everyone so the game will become hacked and it will soon shut down for hacking is too much for roblox him self." said Debra. "Luckily you stopped the slaves so we can stop him." said debra. "Oh and one more thing.. 1x1x1x is the boss.. " said Debra. "I knew it!" yelled AJ. "Come on guys we got one more flight of stairs." said Christine. They went up the stairs and saw 1x1x1x1x staring at them, clapping. "Wow! great job Oakley! You've reached the end! Now you can watch you're self slowly get defeated!" yelled 1x1x1x. "Less chat Timey, Come fight me in MY TOWN!" said Oakley. "COME ON GUYS!" yelled Oakley. They all jumped in the teleporter to Robloxia. "So its a fight they want? Then Its a fight they'll get.." said 1x1x1x. "Come on Vixten.." said 1x1x1x. "Finally! No more faking my death! Im free!" yelled Vixten. He jumped in the teleporter followed by 1x1x1x1.

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