Neville and Luna

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or other characters associated with the books written by JK Rowling. In this chapter I have used direct verbiage from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Chapter 5

The next morning Harry once again woke to a feeling of disorientation, but he immediately felt the presence of Hermione. "Good morning my wife," He said.

"Good morning my husband," Hermione replied and Harry could feel a happy laughter coming from her. "Who would ever have thought a few days ago I would be saying that, or thinking it in this case."

"Happy with thinking it?"

"You can't even imagine Harry," Hermione replied. "After what we've been through, I never thought I could be this happy. Even knowing what is still out there; knowing I have your love makes it all so much better."

"Just wished we had had each other like this the first time around. Together we would have been so much better."

"Let's not think of the past time line. It no longer exists. Let's do it right this time and have our happily ever after," Hermione replied. "Any thoughts on Neville and Luna?"

"I want to tell them," Harry replied. "I think Miranda was hinting it was the correct thing to do. Besides, we need help and this might be the way to give them their confidence."

Harry could hear the mental sigh, "I agree. I just hope it's the right thing to do, but if we start second guessing ourselves, we'll never get anything done."

"Tonight? After dinner?"

"Yes. We need to start thinking of a way to tell them without them thinking we have lost our minds."

"True. Are you in the common room?"

"Not yet. Been lying here thinking about a certain husband of mine and how wonderful he is and how much better life can be this time around," Hermione paused for a few seconds and then continued. "I was thinking about the look in your eyes yesterday when you mentioned children. Harry I don't think I have ever seen you that happy before."

"Of course I'm happy, I have the perfect wife and I now know I have future with her and the possibility of a family."

"Then we need to do this right and get it over with. I want to say get it over quickly, but we need to be careful as well and not make mistakes."

"Any additional ideas?"

"We need Dumbledore to stay alive. Riddle is scared of him and didn't move openly against the Ministry until Dumbledore died. Once we lost the Ministry it became much worse. Of course there is the Ministry itself. We really need to do something if we can. Fudge needs to go, and if Sirius can come up with a good plan, that should start in a couple of weeks. But do we want Scrimgeour?"

"He didn't betray us when the Ministry fell," Harry reminded her.

"No but he didn't really do anything to prevent it either," Hermione thought. "I think we need someone you're willing to support publicly. With your support, a good Minister can make a lot happen once you are back to being the chosen one."

Harry sighed. He really hated the idea of politics, especially because of the chosen one and boy-who-lived fame but he realized Hermione had a point. It was a tool they could and should use. "Got anyone else in mind?"

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