Chapter 2

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Marion's POV

Days passed and that Zenith Skylar Gonzales became much more irritating. She almost become my tail that even during recess and lunch times,she's around. That's a nightmare!! I can't understand her. She can be at least contented being friends with everyone here but why me?? Everyone loves this girl because she's jolly, kind, approachable and friendly, all opposite to me. But don't ever think that I'm insecure with her, IMPOSSIBLE!...but...maybe.

But honestly, even if she's talking nonsense in front of me, she never failed making me smile, laugh and happy. She's freakinly' noisy, but she's not talkative. She just won't let silence take over us. Everytime we're together, she's always the light and I'm forever the dark. In other words, she's the angel while I'm the demon. And that's the reason why I can't tell her to be my official friend. We're totally opposite. -_-

This day...she found out something that made me feel numb. As I was walking along the aisle, she ran after me and I tried to walk fast so that she can't follow me, but then, she shouted something that made me stopped on foot.

"Hey MARION EVANZ GARCIA!!" she shouted as she's standing behind my back. I turned around and asked her;

"H-how... how did you know my name?" I was shocked and confused.

"DUH!! Everytime our teacher calls your name to check the attendance I'm always listening" she answered... but our teacher only calls me with my last name.


"If you're wondering how did I found out your full name, well, I did what I just said last time. " she smiled at me and I remembered immediately that time when she told me that she's going to look for my name in our teacher's class record. WHAT KIND! She totally made true of it. SHE'S a FREAK!

“So what now?”I arrogantly said

“Nothing, I just remembered someone close to me who’s last name is also Garcia. I really loved him because he treated me like I was his own daughter. For me, he’s my best friend, my guardian angel and my father. I remembered how he told me that even if I’m like a plain dark sky without any worth, I’ll still be able to have my stars sparkling on me. And that star will make my life more colorful even in my darkest hour” she innocently replied

 “Is this sort of a storytelling event?” cold as I asked

“Nope, I’m just thankful to discover your full name, it reminded me of my great memories” she said as she smiled

"Now that you already knew my name, are you satisfied?"

"Yes... now that I found out your name, I'm going to call you EVA!" she said joyfully and she walked towards our classroom, but I followed her to ask about the EVA thing.

"EVA? where'd you get that?"

"From your second name, EVAnz :p"

"WHAT?? you've got to be kidding me! That's a name of a girl, how could you call me with such name?" I said loudly.

"But it's cute, isn't it?" she smiled again and lessen the distance between our faces. And after a second she walked as if she's going near the board and she left me standing near the crowded room's entrance door.

"Hey you SKY!!!" I shouted and pointed her with my flaming finger... OPPPZZZ...seemed like I got everyone's attention in this room that they glared at me with a "what's-wrong" faces. So I ran out the room and started walking away.

Marion's POV

AIST! That girl."She's totally wrecking up my nerves! My reputation is all messed up. How could I scream like that??! That was just unprofessional.I haven't done it ever since in front of a crowd, only now. Why is it everytime she's having fun, I'm also angry to death!? Why is that? GEEZZ... I just hate seeing her smile while I'm here living my life miserable because of her". I kept on mumbling while I'm walking away from our room... when suddenly...... someone showed up in front of me....and my eye widens. It was Zenith Skylar Gonzales again.

"What do want now?" I said as I continue walking.

"You just called me SKY... didn't you?" she replied and tried to block my way again.

"Yes I just did, are deaf?" I continue walking though.

"So it means, we're friends?" I stopped from walking and she also does block my way again.

"Friends?? NO WAY!"

" Why??!!! I wanted to be friends with everyone here... but it seems like you're an exemption" she said with her low voice. And I stopped walking and faced her.

"You don't have to... just leave me alone, okay?" after I said that phrase, I started walking away from her.

"Fine... If that's what you wanted Weak Guy!" she said... and I heard it, so I immediately walked back to where she was standing.

"What did you say?"

"I said... Weak Guy...W.E.A.K G.U.Y, are you deaf?" she totally said it once more and even spelled it out with her smiling face.

"Take it back!!" I said loudly.

"If I won't?" she even said it with her tongue out.

"Take it back! or else..."

"Or else, what?" she said as if she's challenging me.

"Or else... nothing" I said with my low voice.

After that wild conversation of ours, she left me standing with my knees vibrating. I wonder what does that "WEAK GUY" thing means?? Did she just called me a weak guy?? Well, I don't know but I also didn't know why is it that "WEAK GUY" word keeps on repeating in my head... as if there were an echo thing going on inside my brain.

Months followed but I'm still so confused about what she last said to me. I spent nights and days figuring it out, but I just can't.

She's still do come near to me during recess and lunch. We ate together but take note; She's with me but she's NOT releasing even a single word or any glance either.

I have thou ght that we may be communicating with no words. So as weeks go by, I'm always observing her- whatever she does and wherever she goes, I monitor each movements and doings of her. MY THOUGHT BALLOON: I guess everything turned differrent way around because now seemed like I'm the stalker.

There were no school days that I didn't look at her. Let's just say that while our teacher's disscussing, I'm focusing on her instead. Everytime we have free time, I watched over her- giggling together with our other classmates.

MY THOUGHT BALLOON: Ohh she's an Angel everytime she laughs and smiles. Everything she does seemed like a work of an angel, she always keep on doing things right. She's entirely a picture-perfect girl. Unlike me. :(

The time she entered the room, I can't take off my sight away from her that my eyes even followed her reaching near to her seat. Too good I was sitting at the back and she's on the front row, that I'd be able to observe her more frequently that she won't notice.

But each stare I gave her means only one question- WHAT DOES WEAK GUY MEANS?. I just hope she'll stare back and answer my question through her eyes.

We're together during recess and lunch, but more time during lunch. She's always sitting next to me and I keep on observing her. I glare at her everytime she put her spoon full with rice into her mouth, she've got no poise as usual! Even when she sips her softdrink, she totally looked like a 5 year old girl, so innocent to look at.

But after all, she's impeccable. She's everything. How I wish that I was like her- happy all the time. Seemed like she got no problem at all. Well, we're still taking the first step towards this high school life which my mom once said which is the greatest and most precious experience and I guess Sky is the one who's experiencing the true essence of life which is to enjoy it. Unlike me, who's been so serious about it and miserably living my life since my mom died. In other words, me and Sky is way too opposite to become friends. All loves her while all seems to be scared talking and being with me. Well, who wouldn't be scared of me, I got this dark aura that I almost look like a criminal or other else a demon. I'm the rain while she's the sun... or even a rainbow.

But honestly speaking, as days went by without hearing her voice and her teases and mockings to me, I felt like I'm under this climate change and frozen atmosphere. She's with me, but I missed her.


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