Chapter 3

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Sky and I moved in different circles. I didn't talk to her and she didn't talk to me also, but she still do spends her lunch time and recess together with me. We keep on doing same things as what's usual even now that this story is moving way too fast forward.

It's the seventh month of the school year. Yes, it's already December and our Christmas party is looming. Each section in different year levels became much busier preparing for the coming party. Our School Council officers conducted a school contest for the most astonishing Christmas decoration in each classrooms. Well, most of my classmates seemed to be so competitive that they even called for a meeting. I mean... I was also part of it...knowing that I'm a classroom officer- TREASURER.

The secretary wrote the assigned tasks for everyone, especially to the classroom officers. And my task as a treasurer is to...go shop and buy the decorations listed in the paper given. And I'm going to buy it together with the classroom President.

MY THOUGHT BALLOON: Wait!!!... it means that I'm not alone to go and shop? Well, if that's the case, it'll be better if I go shop on my own. I don't wanted to have any burden. I'll just let my maid do it. -___-

But I wonder who's the President?? 

I might looked like a fool having no knowledge about our own classroom President, but it's just....I'm not keen enough to the things and people that surrounds me. But do I need to ask the secretary which I once heard her name was Kate?. Well... I guess I need to, so I went to the front and whispered to her my question "WHO'S THE PRESIDENT???" and she answered back. 

"The President was Zen" she whispered back, but I don't know who's this Zen.

"Zen?" I asked her with my curious voice.

"DUH... I knew you know her, she's Zenith Skylar Gonzales. Well okay, all of us call her as ZEN but I heard you calling her SKY. And I once thought that you two were close friends knowing that she's the only one you can talk to informally. I think that if you go and shop with her will be great." she replied and I remained open-mouthed with her reply and slowly took a great look at Sky.

Could it be?? Could it be true that it was Sky I'm going to be with? Ho HUMMM... Well, it was better than I expected, too good it was only Sky. That means, I don't have to adjust being with others, right?? And I guess she knew a lot about these decorations thingy, because actually, I couldn't handle go shopping on my own but I can let my maid do it for me instead. But now I guess I don't have to, because I got Sky.

Weekend with Sky... sounds good to me. She's not that annoying so I bet I could still handle being around her. And I might get the chance of asking her about the "WEAK GUY" matter.


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