Chapter 1: Where Did Everything Go

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I woke up with my head in my sisters lap by the baby blue pond, the sky was a soft shade of blue speckled with fluffy white clouds. Where was wonderland and all it's colors? Where was he, and all of his joy? Where was everything that I held dear not that long ago? I quickly looked at my sleeve and there was a small tear.
"Good, Alice you're finally awake," my sister spoke in a pleasant tone, interrupting my train of thought.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked standing up trying to figure out what happened.
"About an hour and a half," she said scooping up her book and picnic blanket. I followed behind her, and decided not to tell her about wonderland, the white rabbit or anything to do with it for that matter.

"Alice dear, are you feeling alright?" My sister asked pouring me a cup of tea.
"Yes, why do you ask?"
"Because you look as though you've seen a ghost," She explained, I softly shook my head and took a sip of the tea.

"Alice it's getting late we should get to our rooms," My sister said poking her head into the kitchen.
"Alright, goodnight!" I called out to her even though she was already gone from the room. I slowly made my way up the creaky old stairs and closed the door leaving myself alone to wonder about where everything went. I stood at the end of my bed and carefully traced over the nightgown laid out on my bed, when, I noticed something was sticking out from underneath. I pulled it out and there was a letter from my sister.
"My dearest Alice,
I truly wish mother could be here to witness her daughter get married. I am so proud of you, I wish you knew. I can't believe my little sister is getting married. I am always here if you need to talk
I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I hadn't known the man I was marrying for more than a week. I pinched my nose as tears formed in my eyes and sat the letter next to me. I stood up and looked out my window to see if the fresh air would help the nausea go away. In the distance I heard a familiar voice.
"Oh dear I'm very late. Very very late." The voice ran by my window so I grabbed my lantern and ran outside. While chasing him through the woods I fell down the rabbit hole. I spun and twisted as I fell and landed on my stomach, a much better landing than on my back the last time this happened. There was a letter in front of me that I noticed as I stood up. I picked it up and read if.
"Dear Alice,
How could you leave us, you promised to help, you never really cared"
I dropped the letter to my feet and ran through the forest. The bright purple pink and blue trees were now a dull sad color and not the wonderland I had visited earlier.
The tea party was guestless, everything on the table was shattered, The hatters hat was on the chair crushed and rabbits pocket watch was on the ground. The glass shards from the teacups were scattered and the food that was left was moulded over. I put his hat on and slipped the watch into my pocket for safe keeping. I took everything off and written down in tea were the words why did you leave? I fell to my knees and felt the tears rush down my face.
"Oh Hatter, where are you?" I cried.

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