Chapter 2; Off with my head

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I brushed myself off and wiped my tears away. It was one hundred percent where I thought Hatter was but I had a pretty good feeling. I jumped off the table and crawled through the hedge, cutting up multiple spots on my dress and legs.
I found the hatters house and saw him and the rabbit sitting outside
"I know you're upset that she's gone but it's for her own safety! The red queen will behead her if she steps foot back in wonderland!" The hare said.
"She what?" I asked running up to them.
"Alice?" hatter asked
"Rabbit what did the red queen say she would do if I came back." I said putting hatter hat on his head and giving the rabbit his pocket watch.
"She said off with your head." He said nervously.
"Why? I have committed no crime to not be allowed in wonderland!" I said defensively
"Alice dear don't you understand the knave of hearts is in love with you and she's jealous," Hatter said.
"Can't we talk to the white queen and get something done about this." I said.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Rabbit said.
"Good let's go." I said. We called the horses and hatter put me on one. We rode to the white kingdom and went through the gates. The guards saw me and let us inside the castle.
"Your majesty. It's very import." I said. Getting on my knees.
"Yes Alice?" She asked in her sweet golden voice.
"The red queen vowed if she finds out I'm in wonderland she was going to kill me." I said.
"Well Alice we can't have that can we," She cheered
"We have to go to war." She continued from her last statement.
"Is war really the reasonable option." I reassured her.
"Well I guess i could go talk to her first." She stated.
"Yeah we should do that." I said
*2 hours later.*
"We go to war tomorrow." She said walking in furiously.
"She found out you're here and isn't happy." She said walking into her bedroom.
"Oh no." I said.
"Hatter what are we going to do." I said. He frowned and shook his head.
"I don't know Alice." He said.
"I'm scared." I said hugging him.
"Alice my beloved don't be scared," He said.
"You three are staying here tonight." she said Bringing us to a spare room with three beds. She gave me a nightgown and the hatter pajamas.
*3 hours later*
I tossed and turned at the thought of war over my life and the fact that I am marrying a man I don't love. I knew who I loved, hatter. I loved the hatter.
No Alice you mustn't think this way. You're not marrying him. I thought to myself. I tossed and turned for about twenty more minutes before getting up and walking out to the balcony.

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