Chapter 5 bloodshed between the 2 kingdoms

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We watched over the kingdoms as blood flew and soldiers were killed. I felt a heaviness on my shoulders and couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. The battle raged on for hours. Blood shed everywhere my nerves rising, my love for Hatter complicating my emotions. I was drawn to him but knew it was wrong.
The white queen sighed in Dismay and walked off the balcony. I followed her and closed the door.
"I told you war was not the sensible answer," I said angrily.
"Alice my dear, you're young you don't get the politics of the kingdoms.
"If this is the politics of the kingdoms I don't want to understand them," I said.
"Alice, She has been terrorizing our people for many years, this was coming sooner than later," she said.

We won. The white kingdom won. The white queen finally regained her air throne as queen of the kingdoms.

"Alice I want you to be the princess of the red kingdom." She said
"What no," I said.
"May I was why not,"
"I don't belong here I'm getting married next week, I can't stay," I said 
"Yes but you don't love who you're marrying,"
"That has nothing to do with this, I can't rule a kingdom as a princess," I said
"Alice please, we get to see each other if you stay!" The hatter said. I sighed and shook my head yes.
"Alright," I said.

"Alice is the new princess of the red kingdom." The white queen announced at the banquet.
"I want hatter to come with me and help me rule." I said to her.
"My dear don't you want to rule by yourself?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"No he knows more about wonderland than I do," I said.
"Okay." She said. They put me on a horse and hatter on one behind me.

We got to the kingdom and everyone applauded me, but as we entered the kingdom my outfit changed. The hatter got off and I did as well. I walked into the kingdom and got brought to my room.
"I want hatter to stay with me" I said looking around.
"Very well your majesty." The knave said.
I smiled to myself and walked to the throne. I scrunched my nose and continued walking through the palace. As I entered the library I saw the rabbit.
"Hello Alice," He said
"Hello, have you seen the hatter?"
"I believe he left the kingdom," he said.
"What why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.
"I don't know I think he went back to the tea party," rabbit said. I nodded and walked out.
I got on my horse and made my way to where this all started.

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