Chapter 1.5

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Birds were chirping loudly all around, the wind blew calmly through the blades of grass and there I laid staring at the gloomy sky.
"Oh dear I'm very late, very very late!" I heard a frantic voice nearby stress. A rabbit crossed my path very quickly and I usually wouldn't have thought twice about it, but this was a special rabbit. He wore a blue tailcoat and had small round glasses on his face, quite unusual attire for a woodland creature. I quickly looked for my sister and when I didn't see her I chased after the rabbit to see what such an odd animal would be up to. The woods grew thicker and thicker and I lost the rabbit when I fell down a hole. Clocks, potion bottle and wardrobes spun around me as I continued to fall. Suddenly the wind was knocked out of my lungs when I hit the floor of the woods, except these weren't the same woods I fell in, the grass was orange and the trees were different shades of pink, blue and purple.
"Very very late!" I head the same voice exclaim as the small rabbit ran past me once again. I looked around and chased after the rabbit once again. It went through a small opening in a bush and I managed to get through it, but not without tearing my sleeve.
"Who are you?!" A tall, loud and colourful man asked pointing his long finger at me. "It's you!" He exclaimed
"It's her?!" The rabbit asked almost as loudly as the man. The orange haired man jumped on the table and walked down the length of it getting closer to where I was standing. I wanted to run in fear but something in me wouldn't let me move.
"Who am I?" I asked in a panic
"Well if you don't know then how are we supposed to know?" The man asked walking a circle around me.
"I'm Alice how do you know me?" I asked walking back into the hedge.
"We don't, we just know you're you," he said with a grin.
"What are you talking about?"
"No my dear what are you talking about?" He retorted.
"Is this some kind of mind game?" I asked getting upset.
"Oh no dear, this is a tea party!" The man yelled spinning around. "Unfortunately the tea has gone cold because grouchy hare over there is always late,"
"Where am I?"
"You're in the most magical place of all, wonderland, I'm the March hare and this is the Mad Hatter," the rabbit said.
"You seem tense dear, care for a cup of tea?" The mad hatter asked.
"The mad hatter?" I questioned.
"I'm not as mad as they think I am, I'm just misunderstood," he said shakily, almost as if talking about it hurt him.
"Oh, well how about I just call you hatter then?" I asked taking a small step towards him.
"Hatter?" He asked, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his feet like he was sad.
"If I offended you, I deeply apologize, It was not my intention," I said taking one more small step towards him. He looked at me and gave me a kind small smile.
"I like Hatter very much, thank you Alice," he said politely kissing the top of my hand, like a gentleman.
"I would like to take you up on that tea offer,"
"Wonderful!" Hatter exclaimed. He snapped his fingers and a bunch of tea biscuits and cakes appeared on the table with new teapots. "The tea party is ready,"
Hatter pulled my seat out and I sat down. He ran back to his seat and practically jumped in.
"It's really been so very long since our last guest, no one visits us anymore," the hare spoke adding sugar to his tea.
"No idea," hatter said
"You both seem like very nice people,thank you for letting me join," I said
"It's no problem, we love guests,"
The hare, Hatter and I spoke to each other for hours and hours while sipping on tea and snacking on cake.
"How do I get back home?" I asked
"Through the rabbit hole, but it's closed now, it's much too late," the rabbit said
"Well how do I get home?"
"You don't, not tonight at least," hatter said.
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Stay here," he said with a simple shrug. I could tell this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship

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