Rushing freedom

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As we took off, all of my worries vanished. There was nothing but me and him. My jacket was flapping in the wind, and my hair blew around my helmet. I loved running with Sparky.

The college buildings blurred past us, as he picked up speed. His paws softly hit the ground as he ran between two buildings. I laughed, it sounded muffled from the helmet but at this point I didn't care.

Sparky howled in excitement as we neared the city roads. This was his favorite part. Since traffic moved too slow for me, I added a few upgrades to Sparky.

We came closer and closer to the close-knit buildings and tiny roads. I moved hand underneath his chin and pushed another secret button. A latch jumped out and strapped me to his back, and I could hear the machinery whirring in his legs and feet into their "other" mode.

The buildings were right in front of us. With a loud grunt, Sparky jumped and landed vertically on the side of the building. With a howl, he started running up the building.

He loved this! He barked, as he legs moved faster with anticipation. He moved easily up the building, as if he was running downhill.

Ha-ha! I loved this part! We neared the top of the building and he jumped onto the roof and went into his "sonic speed."

I had only tested it once. But I lived for the thrill of this speed. We leaped from building to building, and practically flew. I could hear the sound boom behind us.

"Ha-ha! WHOOOO!!!!" I screamed exhilarated at the speed and freedom.

Sparky howled throwing his head up. We both howled at the top of our lungs. Well, my lungs, his ...whatever, we were loud!

We eventually came to a stop on the other side of the city. The buildings had dispersed to little houses that popped up every so often. We stopped at our favorite place, a huge rocky outcropping overlooking a beach and the ocean, the moon illuminating the dark scene into a picturesque view.

I unlatched myself and took off my helmet, letting my hair spill over my shoulders. Sparky's gears popped and whirred as they switched from the running/sonic mode to the normal mode. I took off my jacket and laid it on the ground. Sparky stretched his legs, and sat down on his launched and eased onto the ground on his forelegs. I stretched my sore arms, and laid down next to him, leaning on his side. Looking out to the horizon where the moon illuminated the ships below in the distance. With their blinking lights, they looked like fireflies.

Sparky sighed and laid his bronze, golden head on his paws, switching to charge mode. He could recharge on carbon, or any other light source. Making him green, and environment friendly. Yay me.

Yawning, I decided to recharge my own batteries. I snuggled up against him, and relaxed in his warmth.

My mind briefly wandered back to the dance earlier. And those brown eyes. Those caring, deep brown eyes. I wondered who they belonged too, as I fell asleep into a dream of a boy with brown eyes in gleaming white armor saving me from the black knight, Drake.


Iron Heart (TadashixReader)Where stories live. Discover now