Everyone has a dark side, even the white knight

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I was in a bed, in a room.... yeah that's all I knew.

I tried to sit up, but found I couldn't. I didn't have the strength, and something heavy was on me.

Then the memories came flooding back: the blizzard, the box thingy, the insufferable cold, and ...Tadashi. Oh my gosh, Tadashi! Where was he?! Was he ok?

I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in a room that I didn't recognize, and it was dark ... did I get raped?! No, no my new friends would've helped me. Speaking of them, where were they?

Okay, now I was freaking out a bit. I tried to get up again, but something heavy was on me. I looked down to see white and orange fur. What?

It started moving and I froze, then I heard a purr and came face to face with eyes.

I screamed, and pushed it off my chest. I hurriedly jumped off the bed, the big mass of fur hissed at me and tried to claw at my legs. It was a cat, a very fat, very mad cat.

I was still screaming when someone came up behind me, and tried to grab my flailing arms. I grabbed one arm, and threw it over me. The body followed crashing down on the bed. I almost delivered a hack at their chest until a hand stopped me!

I gasped, and they launched me onto the bed as well. I landed with an oomph and quickly got to my knees. I couldn't see the person's face, I was too panicked and in the zone.

They tried to grab my wrists again, but I ducked and ran under their arms. I hastily looked around the room for a door. I found it and ran out, ignoring the person's yell of protest.

I dashed down the stairs and at the bottom was what looked like a dimly-lit kitchen. Outside the windows, it seemed to be night and empty. Not comforting.

I heard the person coming down the stairs. Quickly thinking, I hid by in the darkest shadow by the fridge. The person came into the light, it was... I couldn't remember but he looked familiar. He ran a hand through his dark hair nervously, mumbling to himself. He didn't look like he wanted to hurt me at all. He looked rather panicked and distressed. I took a couple steps forward, and held up a hand to ward him off in case I was wrong.

I noticed my hands were shaking badly. They always did that when I was nervous or scared. And I was hecking scared now!

He inhaleld when he heard my movement, and whirled around. Once he saw me, he gave out a big breathe of relief. His mouth breaking into a smile.

I recognized him, it was Tadashi. Finally someone could explain to me what happened!

He began to move closer, and looked like he was about to say something, but he stopped. His hands flew up to his head, he backed up quickly, gasping in pain.

I didn't know what was happening, I was about to ask what to do. Before he started screeching in pain.

He fell to his knees, groaning in pain. Mumbling "no ... no ...no!"

He looked back to me, with wide panicked, almond shaped brown eyes,

"No, get out! Run! Run! Get away from me! Go! GO NOW!!!"

He then collapsed on the ground, kicking, still holding his head. His voice took on a demonic sound.


Tadashi stopped yelling and became still. He looked like he could've been dead. I was so scared and terrified that I didn't move. My worst mistake.

Iron Heart (TadashixReader)Where stories live. Discover now